How to Chart A Social Impact Path for Your Business

Adriana Santos
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem
5 min readJun 24, 2021

Businesses can be powerful platforms for social change, and within them, there’s opportunity for every business to create an impact in their communities. As we like to say at Salesforce, ‘doing good and doing well go hand-in-hand!’

Still, knowing how to start can be daunting. You may be like many of our partners and just beginning to explore your social impact journey. This journey is a personal one for companies, and there is no one right answer. Knowing how other partners have approached the challenge might provide you with a bit of needed inspiration. Collectively as a partner ecosystem, we can learn from one another how to drive equality in the workplace and sustainable development in our communities and across the globe.

Where is your business on its social impact journey? Unsure how to take the first step? Take a look at our tips in our Lead Pillar eBook to help you begin to chart your social impact path. We have broken our recommendations down into five key steps. Read on below!


Reflect, listen, and learn from your peers

Congratulations! You are ready to get started and we are here to assist you. Your journey for more equality, diversity, and sustainable development begins with identifying your company’s values.

The first step is to take time to reflect. What is the value of diversity and inclusion in your workplace? What is the value of sustainability initiatives? Do your employee’s value volunteering and giving back? What can you do to promote these things in your businesses and in your community? Once we all take a moment to reflect, we can then be in a position to listen and learn more from our peers.

Trailhead is a great place to start learning about Equality, Inclusion, and Sustainable Development, as it covers a variety of topics including the business value of equality, inclusive leadership, and recruiting veterans. Start by checking out the Sustainable Development and Equality Trails.

Is your company already beginning to lead and create a social impact? Share your accomplishments with us and earn Trailblazer Score points by completing the Salesforce Partner Program Lead Survey.

Want more ideas? Check out all the Learn Resources to begin your quest!


Kick off your equality journey with small actions

Now that you’ve put in the time to reflect, listen and learn, it’s time to kick off a more formal equality journey. And it all starts with small, easy steps. Set your philanthropy goals for your business and make monetary donations to non-profits or match your employee’s donations. You can also start working with local organizations you care about to start making a direct impact on your communities. Based on the needs of your local communities, get connected to specific initiatives and non-profits. For example, Girls Who Code works towards closing the gender pay gap in entry-level tech jobs.

Want more ideas? Check out all the Get Started Resources.


Create structure in your social impact action plan

Now that you’ve started taking actionable steps, you can start to build some structure into your long-term plan. Consider publishing a Value’s Mission Statement. Establish an employee resource group with dedicated individuals who can facilitate and encourage open dialogue on equality and diversity topics. Implement best practices for inclusive hiring at your organization. Beyond hiring practices, develop programs (such as the Salesforce Talent Alliance) to boost the diversity of your hiring pipeline. Get creative in ways that fit your unique company culture!

Want more ideas? Check out all the Build Resources.


Take your initiatives to the next level

You have some momentum, so now is the time to get creative with more complex initiatives. Make regular updates to a long-term company action plan with specific steps and milestones related to diversity and inclusion. Stay accountable and transparent and share progress with employees and customers. Begin tracking diversity metrics at your company. Beyond demographic data, start collecting information on recruitment, retention, or advancements by race and gender. As an example, take a look at the progress areas for Salesforce in tracking employee diversity metrics.

Want more ideas? Check out the Expand Resources.


Always be open to improvement

Be inspired by your employees, customers and the Salesforce community, and celebrate your achievements. Iteration and collaboration creates new opportunities for success. We are all on this journey together! Continue to iterate in order to make equality, diversity and inclusion central to the motion of your business. Once you’ve implemented new programs and policies, measure their success and get feedback directly from your employees, customers and stakeholders. Be open to improvement and change!

Is your company already beginning to lead and create a social impact? Share your accomplishments with us and earn Trailblazer Score points by completing the Salesforce Partner Program Lead Survey

Interested to dive in further? Check out the Partner Social Impact page in the Partner Community.

