Spotlight: How Sollis Health Turned to Salesforce to Smoothly Scale Their Business

Amanda Matlock
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem
5 min readJun 22, 2022
A woman receives medical care from a female doctor using a handheld medical device on her arm.
Credit: Sollis Health Company Website.

From data management and onboarding to customer care and customized payment centers, it takes a lot to run a business these days. So when Sollis Health — a members-only health concierge service originating from New York — entered the market in 2016 with the aim to provide 24/7 health coverage, they decided to give themselves a leg up and turn to the world’s most trusted CRM. With Salesforce in their back pocket, Sollis Health was easily able to provide the level of care their customers require.

“Our goal has always been to provide seamless medical care to our members,” Grace Conway, Sollis Health Manager, CRM, & Sales Operations, said. “Currently, we have around 11,000 members, all of whom were looking for an alternative to the traditional health care system. In line with our price point, our members do have high expectations, which is why we aim to deliver such a high level of service.”

Automating from the beginning, removing the need for manual inputs, and migrating to a more efficient payment center gave Sollis Health a leg up on the competition and the ability to focus their attention on their patients.

“We have been using Salesforce as our CRM since the company was founded in 2016 and we’ve found a lot of success in leveraging the high degree of customization that’s available. We’ve definitely taken advantage of that, and it even helped mold our developing needs as our company has grown over the course of the pandemic,” Conway said. “It’s been a game-changer.”

When facing their biggest challenge as a company, they looked to Salesforce and the AppExchange again. She added that switching payment centers took a huge amount of work, but was utterly worth the effort.

“I’d say the transition from Chargent to Payment Center was a huge project that we worked really hard on, but the end result was really just a massive payoff,” Conway said.

Nicole Pauline De Guzman, Sollis Health’s Salesforce Technical Architect, agreed that the hard work was an undertaking worth its weight in gold.

“The biggest project that we have accomplished is the migration from Chargent to Kulturra Payment Center to make sure all our membership subscriptions would be tracked properly after the invoices were paid,” De Guzman said. “And everything is working so seamlessly now. It’s absolutely great.”

In addition to Kulturra Payment Center, De Guzman said Sollis Health depends on several solutions to keep the lights on and the engine running smoothly.

“We used Sales Cloud first and then we installed Service Cloud,” De Guzman said. “Sales Cloud is where we start any prospect as a lead. It’s where we nurture them, qualify, and unqualify them. Once we’ve had a conversation with them, we transfer them as an opportunity, It’s the basic Sales Cloud process. Salesforce really helps us process negotiations and easily create members in our system. It’s incredible to be able to depend on that information.”

De Guzman said the company is always looking for new apps and approaches to make their company more efficient.

“So we are currently using a texting tool called Sonar and evaluating Twilio. For CTI, we are using Tenfold and Talkdesk. For electronic agreements, we are using Form Titan. These apps are really helpful. We use these for membership, member services, marketing, and campaign work. Apart from that, we are working on Marketing Cloud to upgrade our marketing applications, mailing list communications, and campaigns.” De Guzman said.

Both women were also thrilled that there are so many options, apps, solutions, and consultants available if they ever need to customize their approach.

“If there is ever any functionality that’s not out of the box in Salesforce, we just check for other apps that integrate with Salesforce on the AppExchange,” De Guzman said. “It’s amazing that either it’s existing and we can reuse it, or we can build the solution ourselves. It seems like there’s always a way to extend Salesforce.”

Conway added that installing new solutions is an excellent way for the company to “bridge the gap” as Sollis Health grows and that the influence of payment collection apps like Kulturra Payment Center, which provided the company a 100 percent improvement in invoicing, 100 percent improvement in payment collection, and visibility in financial reporting.

“The impact of these apps on our business has been huge,” Conway said. “If you look at our entire sales process, it would be broken up into ten disjointed little chucks that would not be able to function together efficiently without all the different solutions we’ve found through the AppExchange.”

Conway added that the positive effect of AppExchange apps for Sollis Health has been “crucial”, especially given the amount of growth the company has experienced over the last three years.

“I want to say our member base pre-pandemic was around three or four thousand clients,” Conway said. “But we’ve nearly tripled in size since then. That’s partly because of the power of Salesforce. The AppExchange has allowed us to adapt to the needs of the market along the way. Especially being a healthcare business in the midst of a pandemic, these solutions have helped us make sure everything runs together smoothly and seamlessly.”

Their advice for those potentially overwhelmed by the thousands of apps, components, and solutions on the AppExchange when just getting started is simple.

“Start with identifying your needs both internally and of existing members, and come up with a game plan,” Conway said. “Test everything together as a team as you work towards implementation. That was really important to us as we continued to scale. It allowed us to accommodate new clients, new products, and new workflows.”

De Guzman added that being proactive vs. reactive will lend itself to better results in the end.

“Always analyze your data, monitor metrics, and look for trends,” De Guzman said. “It’s very helpful knowledge when planning your next steps towards growth. Having all that information in a single source of truth is immensely valuable for any business.”

Want to get started customizing your business processes while keeping your customers happier? Check out the AppExchange to get started here.



Amanda Matlock
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem

Content Writer at @Salesforce @AppExchange. Likes: art history, museums, and dad jokes. Dislikes: bad poutine and closed book stores.