The Art of the Demo

In a recent Power Hour—our monthly thought leadership webinar for partners of all types—we welcomed David Bloom, CEO and Founder of LevelJump, as well as Dreamforce 2018 Mega Demo Jam winner, for a virtual fireside chat on the mastering demo at every stage, in every situation. David’s extensive career in sales and marketing led him to work with some of the leading Fortune 500 tech companies and becoming a driving force in his own company’s success.

David Bloom after claiming victory at the Dreamforce 2018 Mega Demo Jam.

David teamed up with Dave Austin, Senior Director of Partner Marketing at Salesforce, and audience members listened as the two discussed in-depth questions about what truly makes the demo into a work of art.

David and Dave dove into questions that covered topics including:

  1. Preparing for a Successful Demo
  2. Presenting Like a Pro
  3. Leaving Your Audience in Awe

There were also many excellent questions asked directly by the audience covering everything from discussing pricing to mobile best practices, and what to do when things go wrong.

The conversation begins with David touching on the basics that every Salesforce partner should know:

“First and foremost, I need to know who the demo is for. Number one, who is the audience and number two, is how much time do we have for the demo?”

and swiftly moved into the moments you encounter being in the spotlight and interacting with the room. Here’s just one piece of great advice David offered to listeners:

“Never say, ‘Does that make sense?’. Instead ask, ‘what questions do you have?’”

Before the live Q&A, Dave and David wrapped up their chat by talking about the moves you can make to ensure a genuinely impactful and long-lasting impression.

“The art of the demo is taking things people told you in the first five minutes, and being able to, on-the-fly, tie it back to what you’re showing. By doing that, you leave the audience saying ‘this demo was just for me.’”

What made this Power Hour session so special is David’s unique perspective that allows attendees a type of “secret sauce” insight they can’t get anywhere else. Lucky for us, a full replay of this Power Hour session is available on-demand here:

You can register for the Power Hour series here.

