Our Favorite Trailblazers: Nadina D. Lisbon

Holly Rushton
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem
3 min readAug 25, 2021
Nadina D. Lisbon, Systems Capability and Salesforce Architect at Tradeshift

Salesforce MVP Nadina D. Lisbon believes in the power of the Salesforce community and helping others along the journey — and not only does she talk the talk, but Nadina also walks the walk. The 13x Certified, Salesforce Technical Architect volunteers her time as a coach for RAD Women, serves as a User Group Leader for the Salesforce Austin Developer User Group, and even recently hosted her first AppExchange Demo Jam at TDX21. When not engaging actively in the community, you can find Nadina recharging by hiking, spending time with family, and spoiling her two dogs, Maggie and Maximus.

Thankfully, Nadina was graciously able to fit me into her schedule so we could chat and learn more about her journey, advice for aspiring Trailblazers, and what’s next for her.

How did you get involved with Salesforce?

Nadina D. Lisbon: I started with Salesforce while I was still in college as part of my Master’s Program. I did an internship at a startup/partner that specialized in building a real estate managed package for Salesforce. The internship was a development role; I wrote a few triggers and kind of just catapulted from junior dev to architect. I’ve never looked back!

Do you remember the first AppExchange app you installed?

NDL: Field Trip by RingLead was one of the first apps I remember downloading while working on an internal project for my company’s Salesforce org.

Nadina’s dog Maximus posing with an Astro squad.

What AppExchange app do you find yourself using time and time again?

NDL: I would have to say RingLead Dupe Dive. RingLead’s dedupe functionality has made dedupe in Salesforce easy.

What are five words to describe your feelings about Salesforce?

NDL: Hmm — if I had to choose only five, it would be transformative, accessible, innovative, and Industry Leaders.

Where’s your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to?

NDL: Disney World. Even as an adult, it’s still magical!

Nadina shows her MVP love for TrailheaDX ‘21.

What is the last book you read?

NDL: The Now Habit by Neil Fiore.

Favorite Netflix (or other) streaming series?

NDL: Currently, I’m watching Sweet Tooth.

If you could go back in time, do you have any advice you’d give yourself on your first day at your current company?

NDL: If I had to go back and tell Nadina advice on her first day, I would say ‘continue to be curious.’ Tradeshift has a saying, ‘own your shift,’ so you can explore as much or as little as you need to. And it really resonated with me on my first day; this is my system — Salesforce. So whatever’s coming in, whatever is leaving, I’m ultimately responsible for it. I know that autonomy can be scary for some people, but curiosity has always led me to be a better developer and a great architect.

What does being a Trailblazer mean to you?

NDL: Being a Trailblazer for me means being curious, always seeking out more knowledge, and helping others on the way of their journey while pursuing your own.

Nadina’s dog Maggie snuggles with some community swag.

Speaking of journeys, what’s next for Nadina?

NDL: Right now, I’m studying for my Certified Technical Architect exam. On a more personal level, I love to go hiking. So, in the next few years, my husband and I are considering getting an RV and start traveling to different national parks and just live on the road.

What advice do you have for other Trailblazers?

NDL: To always be curious, believe in yourself, and trust in your abilities. You’re always smarter than you think!

Learn more about Nadina’s great work at Tradeshift, and connect with her on the Trailblazer Community.



Holly Rushton
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem

Content Marketer at @salesforce @appexchange. Big fan of reading, Star Trek, craft beer, board games, and golf.