Why You Should Be Managing Trustpilot Reviews in Salesforce (and How to Get Started)

A bearded man holds his phone in his hand at his desk.

These days, the vast majority of consumers consult reviews when navigating the purchase journey regardless of what they’re shopping for. In fact, nearly three-quarters of consumers consider reviews to be at least somewhat important when making a purchase decision. What’s more, reviews are one of the top three factors impacting purchase decisions.

Source: 1440 The Growing Role of UGC in the Purchase Journey

Consumers turn to many different sources to find reviews; it all depends on what they’re shopping for. For example, a shopper looking for feedback about a store location might turn to Google, while a consumer seeking out product reviews might consult a brand’s site or Amazon.

But there’s one source of reviews that’s increasingly important for consumers: Trustpilot.

It’s not enough for brands to sit back while Trustpilot reviews come in. Instead, they must actively manage this content if they expect to maximize customer satisfaction, preserve trust, and drive sales.

In this blog, we’ll explore why brands should start managing Trustpilot reviews in Salesforce — and how to get started.

What are Trustpilot Reviews?

Chances are, you’re familiar with Trustpilot. After all, it’s one of the largest online review services in the world.

The platform allows consumers to share feedback by writing reviews about a business they’ve had an experience with. That experience could be a store visit, a purchase, or an interaction with customer service.

Like other review sites, consumers can select a star rating for their experiences and provide written commentary that describes the “why” behind their rating.

It’s clear Trustpilot reviews are beneficial to consumers. But these reviews also benefit brands.

Trustpilot Reviews Boost Shoppers’ Trust

Future shoppers turn to Trustpilot reviews when researching their purchase options and consumers can search for a specific business or browse by category on Trustpilot.com.

In addition, some brands showcase Trustpilot reviews on their own dot com to provide social proof — and increase conversion.

Trustpilot Reviews Increase a Brand’s Visibility

Trustpilot reviews can also increase your brand’s visibility and capture the attention of more shoppers on Google.

Today, 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine; 92% of those searches start on Google. Trustpilot is an official Google Review Partner, which means that Trustpilot reviews count toward your Google Seller Rating. Seller Ratings add stars to search ads that capture shoppers’ attention — and increase the likelihood they’ll click through.

Trustpilot Reviews Shed Light on Opportunities to Improve Customers’ Experiences

Businesses can analyze the feedback from Trustpilot reviews to understand what shoppers like and where there are opportunities for improvement. These insights can help brands optimize operations, improve customers’ experiences, and increase lifetime value.

Why Manage Trustpilot Reviews in Salesforce?

If you use Salesforce to manage other service channels, it makes sense to manage Trustpilot reviews here, too. There are three key reasons why this is the best approach.

Streamlined Review Management — Alongside Other Service Channels

Most brands that collect Trustpilot reviews also have other types of reviews flowing in, too. For example, a brand might collect reviews for their mobile apps on the Google Play and Apple App Stores. Or they might collect location reviews from Google. Brands that sell physical products might have product reviews on Amazon, as well as reviews collected on their own dot com and retailer sites using technology like Bazaarvoice, Yotpo, and PowerReviews.

Managing all of these different types of reviews separately isn’t the best approach. It requires customer service agents to learn and use a myriad of dashboards — in addition to Salesforce, where they manage other service channels.

When you start managing Trustpilot and other types of reviews in Salesforce, your customer service teams can use a single platform to manage all service channels, including reviews. That means they can spend less time juggling platforms and more time resolving issues and delighting customers.

Faster Responses That Meet Shoppers’ Expectations

When consumers take the time to share their feedback by writing a review, they want it to be acknowledged — regardless of sentiment. Our research found that 81% of consumers expect a brand to respond to negative reviews at least sometimes. 70% have that expectation for positive reviews.

Source: 1440 The Growing Role of UGC in the Purchase Journey

And they expect those responses to come quickly. Nearly three-quarters of consumers expect a brand to respond to a negative review within 48 hours and 70% expect a response to a positive review within that same time frame.

But it’s challenging to constantly monitor reviews pouring in from multiple platforms — and triage appropriately. And it’s not uncommon for a potentially damaging review to slip through the cracks without a response.

When you manage Trustpilot and other reviews in Salesforce, it’s easier to provide the timely responses your customers expect, while prioritizing the most concerning content. You can flag reviews that are submitted below a certain star rating or those that contain specific negative keywords. That way, this content can get top priority and a timely response.

This helps ensure the customer gets their issue resolved quickly and you’re able to regain their trust as much as possible. Furthermore, it helps you earn the trust of future shoppers. After all, nearly three-quarters of consumers would reconsider a product with a negative review if there was a sufficient response from the brand or manufacturer.

Source: 1440 The Growing Role of UGC in the Purchase Journey

A Holistic View of Performance

Reviews are chock full of insights that brands can use to optimize their products, services, and experiences. But when managing reviews from disparate platforms, it’s hard to pinpoint these insights and take action. That’s because the data is in silos. You might know how you’re doing on one platform — but not across the board.

When you manage Trustpilot and other reviews from a single platform, you gain a single, holistic view of performance. That enables you to more easily identify insights and take action on them to increase satisfaction and lifetime value.

How to Start Managing Trustpilot Reviews in Salesforce

Trustpilot reviews are an important tool that helps shoppers make more informed purchase decisions. Brands must actively manage this content and the best place to do so is on Salesforce. Here’s how to get started managing Trustpilot reviews in Salesforce.

Find the Right Technology

If you’re a company that uses Salesforce, you already know what a powerful platform it is for managing the entire customer journey. It’s also important to find a solution that enables brands to manage all reviews within Salesforce.

Look for apps on AppExchange that were built for Salesforce, allowing brands to manage reviews alongside other service channels, like email, live chat, and phone.

Set Up Alerts

Many consumers expect responses to reviews, regardless of sentiment. However, certain reviews call for especially speedy action — including those that mention health or safety concerns.

Be sure to set things up appropriately so a high-priority review doesn’t fall through the cracks. For example, with the right app or solution, brands can set up alerts so they’re notified every time a negative review is submitted. Brands can also create a list of negative keywords and get alerted anytime a review is submitted that includes one. For example, a brand might create a list that includes keywords such as COVID, sick, and pain. Anytime a review is submitted with one of those words, the brand would receive an alert and it would be immediately routed to the appropriate team to be addressed.

Consistently Respond to Reviews

Once you’ve chosen a technology solution to consolidate Trustpilot and other reviews within Salesforce and set up alerts to stay on top of the most urgent content, it’s time to take action by responding to reviews.

When it comes to responding, sooner is better, as nearly all consumers expect a reply to reviews within 48 hours. Establish a service level agreement (SLA) and stick to it.

Negative reviews typically take top priority. And for good reason. Those who write negative reviews are dissatisfied, and a quick response can turn things around. And, if you’re able to resolve their issue, they may even write a positive review like this Care.com customer who was contacted after initially writing a negative review.

But don’t overlook your positive reviews. Responding to them is a great way to let your customers know you value their feedback and their business. Remember, those who feel valued are more likely to stick with you long-term.

Look for Opportunities to Improve

Nearly three-quarters of consumers will switch to a different brand after a single bad experience. In order to acquire and retain customers, it’s essential to focus on consistently delivering great experiences.

Trustpilot reviews can shed light on your customers’ pain points. You can use these insights to make impactful improvements. And by doing so, you’ll increase customer satisfaction and retention — and improve your ability to attract new customers.

Start Managing Your Trustpilot Reviews on Salesforce

Consumers depend on Trustpilot reviews to make informed purchase decisions. Brands must take an active role in managing Trustpilot reviews, and the best place to do so is in Salesforce.

Ready to see how an AppExchange app like Reputation Studio from 1440 can help empower brands to manage all global reviews within Salesforce? Contact us to see Reputation Studio in action.

