Overcome Apple App Store Rejection — Like a Boss 🎩

Onur Şahindur
Inside the Shift
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2017

I am Onur. You might know me from Instagram.

WYSIWYG -What you see is what you get.

Yet, sometimes it is more than that.

A few months ago, after experiencing for almost 3 years on iOS development, I started working at Twentify Corp. ,which is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Our application in Apple App Store is called “Bounty” which is a leading gross market application in driving intelligent business. Here you can find more information about “Bounty” and after you may also want to become a member of our ship! Check it out!

Let’s now hop to our topic which is about a problem which we encountered in a new version submission of Bounty App.

“The Problem” — How to handle?

Okey, let’s first talk about the problem. In order to do more reliable and functional tasks, we needed to add audio record functionality to our application as a new feature. Since this was my very first feature for Bounty, I was really excited and thrilled for the challenge.

After spending some considerable effort on this new audio feature, it was ready to deploy to App Store which was expected to go live with version number 2.2.0!

Yeey! First App Store submit as Bounty Developer!

A while later we got an email from Apple Review Team expecting to be “Accepted”. However our new version was “Rejected” (😱) because of the request permission to microphone.


According to the review team, they cannot find where do we need the microphone access. We had a test task for them to “test” audio recording session but because of restrictions to Geo-Location, we could not open a task to USA, the test task is only appearing in Turkey 😭. Also we need a fast and simple solution (which is absolutely NOT solving the Geo-Location problem and sending a new binary to Apple blah blah.. because of late review check from Apple Review Team).

We tried to explain that one of our client needs this feature, and this is a killer request, therefore it “must” be on this new version. However, they replied unless they see the excuse to access to the microphone, they will not accept the submitted binary


“The Solution” — Solved Like a Boss 🕶️

So, here is how we managed to solve the “Reject” status.

After a lot of words to explain the problem we encountered, here is a video for you to watch the solution. Enjoy! 😎

After this video, Apple Review Team approved our new version.

Even though we are on version 2.4.0, we still give this video link while submitting to App Store.

Any other problems?

cCc Twentify Technology Team rocks! cCc

