How to Become a DreamWalker

(or: how to go mad as a hatter)

Alicen Grey
Inside the Simulation


Hello lovelings! Please be aware that due to censorship by, I will be writing on my personal platform from now on. All my essays, including this one, are now available there.

“Merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream.”

So goes the nursery rhyme we all absentmindedly sang in elementary school, when our young minds were still in the theta wave state, deeply impressionable and thus receptive to even the most complex concepts. This song was a gift in disguise. We just didn’t realize how lucky we were to be singing it.

On one hand, songs are very efficient information delivery systems, due to their direct influence on the subconscious mind. On the other hand, this direct injection of knowledge into the subconscious renders it “forgotten” as soon as it’s learned. For this reason, despite the many reminders that “Life is but a dream” we’ve continued receiving as adults, the truth of this statement remains largely under-investigated.

Only a handful of humans on Earth (or as I like to call it, Urf — because I think this place is just too hilarious to be real) has made the decision to become DreamWalkers. A DreamWalker is someone who bridges the DreamTime to the…

