Inside the Simulation is Now Accepting New Writers

Do You Have a Story About the Bizarre or Unexplained? We Want to Hear From You!

Renee Rose
Inside the Simulation


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Hello everyone,

My name is Renee and I’m the editor here at Inside the Simulation. I wanted to take a little bit of time to explain what we’re looking for in case you’re interested in submitting your work to the publication.

What I’m looking for is great writing about any topic surrounding the bizarre, unexplained mysteries of the Universe.

Are you interested in UFOs?

I’d love to make you a part of the team.

Does the subject of the paranormal keep you up at night and you want to share your ideas?

I’d be happy to take a look at your work.

Have a love for scientific theories or ideas about what the future will look like?

Sounds like you’d be a great addition to our team.

Is true crime your obsession and you enjoy writing about unsolved cold cases?

Your work would find the perfect home here at Inside the Simulation.

Before you send us your work, though, please read the guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines



Renee Rose
Inside the Simulation

Freelance Writer. Blogger. UFO enthusiast and lover of space. Email me at: