Isolated Staircases Are Being Found in National Forests

And Nobody Knows Why…

Renee Rose
Inside the Simulation


Image Source: Steve on Flickr

Recently, the Internet has been abuzz with reports of isolated staircases popping up in national forests around the world. Found deep in the woods where no man has been known to ever live, you’ll find staircases- no other structure attached to them, just a staircase.

While some of the staircases are brick, others are wooden. While some staircases look to be in ruins, others are perfectly stable. Regardless, all of these staircases have one thing in common: they reach up into the canopy, extending seemingly to nowhere at all.

That is, at least, one some Redditors would have us believe.

Recently, I came across a Reddit thread dedicated to creepy happenings in national parks around the country. While this thread dated back to four years ago, I was intrigued by the stories that were being told there. This thread, packed with various stories and claims, led to an amount of particularly unusual folklore.

Reddit user after Reddit user claimed to have heard of these staircases. Some even claimed having seen them for themselves. Users reported that these staircases could be seen sometimes even as deep as 60 kilometers into the forest. While reports of the staircases started off being situated all over America, soon…



Renee Rose
Inside the Simulation

Freelance Writer. Blogger. UFO enthusiast and lover of space. Email me at: