Phone Calls From The Dead

Do you believe that those on the other side can call you up?

Tony Walker
Inside the Simulation


Photo by Tiko Giorgadze on Unsplash

Apparently, the dead are always reaching out to us. They move your fingers around the Ouija Board, they rap on your tables, and they even call you on your telephone.

To me, the weirdest of these communication methods are telephone calls from the dead. I know some readers will be tutting in disbelief and yet others nodding eagerly (I imagine you both). The trouble is with strange phenomena like this that the skeptic simply won’t believe them whatever evidence is presented, while the credulous person believes them too quickly, despite often jarring inconsistencies.

Ultimately, we need to find some way to be open-minded enough to learn something about the universe from these incidents, but tough-minded enough, so we’re not taken for a ride.

This phenomenon of having someone who’s passed away ring you up on your mobile phone is not amenable to the experimental studies because phone calls from the dead happen out of the blue and present themselves as mere anecdotes.

Scientifically minded people tend to look down their noses as anecdotes. However, as well as the experimental method, science also perfectly respectably collects examples and arranges these examples into taxonomies, that is to say, it puts…

