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The Skyquake Phenomenon

Mysterious booming noises in the sky leave many scratching their heads

Renee Rose
Inside the Simulation
7 min readNov 22, 2019


Earlier today my mother mentioned hearing something particularly strange on the local news. “They were saying something about booming noises coming from the sky, I think,” she recalled. This obviously excited me because I instantly knew exactly what she was referring to- the skyquakes

I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time fixed to my laptop going through video after video of these mysterious noises that seem to emanate from the sky. So as you can imagine, I was geeking out. “Like skyquakes?”, I asked, spinning around to face her with such enthusiasm that I almost fell out of my chair. If you knew my mother you wouldn’t even question her about skyquakes. Of course she’s never heard of them. I knew this but couldn’t pass up the opportunity to rave on about them for a few minutes while she tried to follow my narrative. She looked like a deer in headlights.

I live in North Carolina and loud booming noises occurring either late at night or in the early morning hours are being reported in Wake county, a county located within about 10–15 minutes from my own county. Mysterious booming noises have been occurring frequently since the end of January. As of now, nearly a month later, complaints still continue to pour in from residents and possible…



Renee Rose
Inside the Simulation

Freelance Writer. Blogger. UFO enthusiast and lover of space. Email me at: