Was Nikola Tesla An Alien From Venus?

A declassified FBI document seems to suggest so

Renee Rose
Inside the Simulation


Photo by vkilikov

When it comes to some of the most brilliant minds of our generation, many of us tend to wonder where exactly such genius comes from. As we marvel over the epiphanies and breakthroughs of some of the greatest minds of previous generations, such as Nikola Tesla, it’s curious what sets some people apart in terms of their unrivaled intelligence. A newly declassified FBI document seems to suggest, however, that Tesla’s brilliance originated elsewhere.

Venus, to be exact.

Nikola Tesla is an extremely well-known scientist whose numerous inventions and scientific discoveries led to the advancement in the technology that we enjoy today. His radio technology is what is used in today’s smartphones, computers, satellites, missiles, navigation systems, and spaceships. His inventions, such as the Tesla coil, artificial lighting, rotating magnetic field, and alternating-current (AC) electricity are known for being far ahead of Tesla’s time.

Tesla’s mind was almost too great for the limitations of his time’s technology. In 1926, interestingly, Tesla predicted that people around the world would eventually be able to stay connected by not only hearing but seeing each other no matter where they were located across the planet using a device…



Renee Rose
Inside the Simulation

Freelance Writer. Blogger. UFO enthusiast and lover of space. Email me at: reneerosefreelancing@gmail.com