🍓 Introducing a video call integration with Whereby

Malik Piara
Inside Upframe
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2020

Video calls just got easier thanks to our friends from Norway

Today we’re announcing an update to the Upframe 1–1 video call experience by introducing a brand new integration with our friends at Whereby and by making our messaging a bit smarter.

Why Whereby

At Upframe we like playing long-term games with long-term players. When thinking about the partners we want to associate ourselves with, we prefer to pick products and organisations with who we can share a common vision. Whereby is a video call service like Zoom, built in Europe by privacy-friendly folks. Unlike other products in the market, you don’t need an app or installs to start a video call. In fact, you’re good to go with a url and a browser.

Join a 1–1 video mentoring session with 1 click. Share your pitch deck while you’re in the video call.

From now on, every time a 1–1 meeting is scheduled, there will be a unique Whereby room you can join in your inbox and calendar. With Whereby fully integrated in Upframe, you can forget about the meeting logistics and focus on connecting and growing.

You can find a Whereby link in your calendar after a meeting is scheduled.

View group participants

Sometimes you’ll find yourself in group conversations with people you don’t know. With our latest update, now you can get an overview of every person who’s part of a group, as long as their current timezone, so you can easily visit their profile and reach out at a time that feels right.

View participants inside group conversations

Tiny improvements worth noting

  • When you go back to your conversations, you’ll notice Upframe got substantially faster. (PWA caching)
  • Because we want to make it easier for you to share your product and pitch decks, URLs shared at Upframe are now detected automatically and turned into links.
  • Now you can add Upframe to your home screen on both mobile and desktop, so you can access and reply to your messages more easily.

