Upframe 2.0

Malik Piara
Inside Upframe
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2018

To upframe is to look at someone not for what they are but for who they could one day become. That’s what we’ve stood up for since our first day when we decided to build the Playground, a place where first-time entrepreneurs could go to find peers and mentors who could help them grow.

Most of us were still in high school and many said we would fail. After all, we were young and inexperienced. But we didn’t care. We kept on going, relentlessly pursuing our vision to build a world where every student is empowered with everything he or she needs in order to drive change and improve the world. — Some people called it bullshit. We call it good people + good technology.

Our mentors believed in us. Startup Lisboa, the Portuguese incubator, believed in us. — They understood that a new generation of like-minded makers & entrepreneurs could, under the right circumstances, improve the life of everyone around them — starting with family, friends and perhaps, even the world at large.

We weren’t sure whether we could actually help anyone but we believed in our mission. So we built startup programmes for college students who wanted to build the future. And they came because they understood that technology drives the world forward. After all, we went from crappy video rental services to Netflix and from having to pick only one or two CDs at our local music store to unlimited music on demand in less than 10 years. — Technology enables all of us to make choices and to do more with less thus improving the quality of life for everyone around us.

We were happy with our first results but we still thought it wasn’t enough. We could do more. We wanted to be more. — Your strong support made us believe we could reach for the stars and after some twists and turns, today we’re taking a step towards the future by updating our brand so it stands out for what we believe. — and because one change doesn’t come alone often, stay tuned for what’s about to come.

— The Upframe Team

