A growing interest in Packaging Design

A recap of the BNO Packaging Talent Award #3

VBAT Refreshing
Inside VBAT
4 min readNov 23, 2016


Edited by Connie Fluhme

BNO Packaging Talent 2016 — It’s a wrap. Design Award Keyvisual: VBAT

During SUPERFAST # 3, an event about new developments in packaging design at Dutch Design Week 2016, Sean Valies (first place) and Luna den Hoed (second) were awarded with the BNO Packaging Talent Award.

The assignment for this third edition was to design a packaging line for the new spreads and / or vegetarian smoked sausage of De vegetarische Slager’ (the Vegetarian Butcher).

De vegetarische Slager Den Haag. Image: Egbert Schoenmaker
Packaging Example De Vegetarische Slager.

The winners

The first prize went to Sean Valies, graphic design student at the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, who just finalized his internship at VBAT. The jury found his entry fits very well with the brand image of De Vegetarische Slager:

“The playful typography and art nouveau-style illustrations connect one on one with the logo of De Vegetarische Slager and give at the same time its own subtle dimension to the packaging design as a whole. The design is simple, inviting and evokes associations with a butcher, so the design can compete with the real meat products in the refrigerated shelves.“

Winning design of the BNO Packaging Talent Award by Sean Valies

The second prize went to Luna den Hoed (Graphic Lyceum Utrecht) who has incorporated the complete packaging materials, plate and plastic trays, in a stylish way into her packaging design. The jury:

“The beautiful elaborate tile motif evokes associations with an old-fashioned butcher, is stylistically fresh and tasty and the transparent wrapping fits the entire design, with white ‘tiled’ dish and the white manicured typography, looks aesthetically pleasing and clean (...). Her idea also lives at the company itself. De Vegetarische Slager has been working a long time on the incorporation of tile patterns into a part of the packaging design. “

Second prize of the BNO packaging talent award by Luna den Hoed

Honorable mentions

The other three nominated designers Laura Voet (former intern at VBAT), Daisy van der Genugten (former intern at VBAT) and Jasper Joris received no prize, but an honorable mention.

Front from left to right: Jasper Joris, Sean Valies. Back from left to right: Laura Voet, Nico Koffeman (director of marketing and communication De Vegetarische Slager), Luna den Hoed, Daisy van der Genugten

Increase of entries

The third edition of the BNO Packaging Talent Awards clearly shows an increase in entries compared to previous years. More than 70 students and young designers showed an interest,33 design proposals were received and judged.

The jury

The jury of the BNO Packaging Talent Award 2016 consisted of: Frank Nas (Managing Director Design Bridge / president BNO NEXTpack), Niko Koffeman (director of marketing and communication De Vegetarische Slager), Katja Gruijters (food designer), Thea Bakker (design director VBAT) and Marco de Meijer (creative director Millford).

BNO Packaging Talent Award

BNO Packaging Talent Award is an initiative of BNO NEXTpack. The aim of the competition is to interest young designers and design students for the field of packaging design and to make them incorporate this design specialism into their education. The 2016 edition was made possible by Packaging Innovations.

BNO NEXTpack: the next step in packaging design

BNO NEXTpack is the packaging design source of the Netherlands. Inspiring convincing and surprising information about the importance of packaging design in the daily lives of everyone. NEXTpack stimulates the imagination, provides insights into the discipline and responds to relevant developments and social discussions. BNO NEXTpack represents the main Dutch packaging design agencies: Anthem, Bataafsche Teken Maatschappij, BooM creatives, Bowler & Kimchi, Brum Design, dBOD, Design Bridge, Dream Catch, FLEX / design, Millford, OD, Proud Design, Reggs, SOGOOD, VBAT and WAACs.

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edited by Connie Fluhme



VBAT Refreshing
Inside VBAT

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