A step into the

Laura Voet
Inside VBAT
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2015


‘real’ world

My exciting start as intern at VBAT

Hi there! My name is Laura and I am a third year graphic design student at the St. Joost Academy in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. A part of my study is my internship at VBAT Amsterdam from April till July 2015.

Last year I studied one semester at the School of Art in Cambridge which was an amazing experience. I did one module of Graphic Futures and one module of Analogue Photography. Cambridge is a lovely city which is not really big but there is a great atmosphere with a lot of students. I love to live in an environment like that. But for now, I’m travelling to Amsterdam every day and that’s nice too!

Inspiring atmosphere at VBAT (photo’s: Paul Barbera)

So, last week I started at VBAT. It was a little bit exciting because it is a leading agency with a lot of people. But the first impression was really good! On my first day, I shook almost sixty hands and remember ten names by now. My colleagues are really open, kind and want to tell you what they are working on.

Laura in front of the VBAT office.

I have to be honest with you, I was a bit afraid there would be a sort of arrogance between the people because of the big brands and stuff. But there was not!

Working at VBAT feels like being in a candy shop

For me, it first felt like I was in a candy shop (when I was little of course). You know that feeling? There are so many great clients, briefings and inspiration! I was a bit overwhelmed the first day. For now, I am settled down a bit, discover what everybody is doing and how this company works. I am really excited about the next few months!

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