There’s an End
to Every Adventure

A conclusion of my internship at VBAT

Laura Voet
Inside VBAT


It turns out that an internship of 3 months was a really short time. I’m sad to leave all those inspiring people, but happy that I got offered this opportunity!

In the beginning, it was exciting. Who are all these people? Is there a lot of competition going on inside?

During the first week, I discovered there’s a great atmosphere inside VBAT and as an intern they take you quite serious. I was part of the team, got involved in projects, meetings and my opinion counted. They listened to me and were curious what I wanted to explore during my internship.

I think my choice for this company was one of the best choices I made during my study. This design agency gave me a good insight how things work in the professional design industry. I learnt a lot from the presentations they were preparing. They gave me insights in how to prepare a project better, to search for inspiration and taught me how I can give insight of the sketches to a client, share my thoughts and made me grow as a designer.

This design agency gave me good insights on
how it works in the professional design industry.

In front of the artwork from Vic Lee during What Design Can Do

Thank you VBATers for your opinion,
your kindness and for all the refreshing insights.
I had a really great time!

Because they have three directions in design; packaging, retail and branding, I discovered more about the direction I want to continue in. I discovered packaging design. Something that I was always interested in, but never made the step to do something with it. It’s really working out well for me and I keep on having a lot of interest in it.

I learnt a lot about the different cultures who are working at VBAT. Some pretend that they can’t speak Dutch, but actually they can understand it pretty well.

I’ve enjoyed all the cake and beer times and there were a lot of those moments!

The Healthy Edition of VBAT’s Monthly Dramatic Pie Monday

Benefits of a big company

At the end of my internship, I’ve seen a lot of benefits of working at a bigger company compared to a smaller one. Because there are a lot of people, there’s a lot of knowledge you can learn from and everyone has his own speciality. At some point, you just know where to go to with questions. The level of design and presentations is high and I like working in teams here. As an intern you learn a lot from the other designers when you are working together, you see which choices they make, how quickly they make them, and how they present their work.

I can really recommend this internship to all the students in graphic design. Especially if you don’t have a preference for a specific direction in design yet, this is a good chance for you to discover it all.

So thank you VBATers for your opinion, your kindness and for all the refreshing insights. I had a really great time!

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