How Even a Cold Email Can Boost Your Sales

Stefanos Katsimpas
Inside VentureFriends
4 min readDec 7, 2016
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Every potential client gets a ton of new emails every day. In order to improve conversion rate you need to improve your Open Rate and your Click Rate, and therefore you will get more people to click your “call-to-action” button and follow your sales funnel. Firstly, you should make them read your e-mail first.

Improve Open Rate.

You need to have an eye-catching mail subject to make them open your e-mail.

These are 5 tips that ContactPigeon did and improved open rate by 30%!

  1. Use an Uppercase in the First Letter of Each Word
  2. Always use a number
  3. Try not to mention what you do in general, but how the customer will benefit from you and your product
  4. Most email clients support pre-read of mail content. So the very first sentences or phrases will also appear, before someone decides to read the email. How you structure the beginning of the email is often as important as the attractiveness of the subject! (you could have some personal info there like: Hey Stefanos, did you know that..)
  5. Send the same mail with a different subject to users who didn’t open the first one


Before: Why use automation and remarketing?

After: Increase Your Sales 60X with (re)Marketing Automation!

The case is clear. I believe that is obvious which one has the better Open Rate. 😎

Make It Personal

Don’t Use Important Text on Images!

The idea is simple. Images take some time to load (some mail clients don’t even load them — until the user let them to). If you have important text on your images, there is a big possibility that someone will never read it.

Have a Clear Value Proposition and Always a Call-to-Action Button.

Your value proposition should be clear, to the point and with a call to action button! You need the user to “leave” the mail and land on your landing page.

First, you should use bullets to describe what you do and what you offer. Don’t use more than 3 bullets! You need to be to the point.


  • Are you able to create email campaign with your featured products in minutes by clicking and selecting products from your real time catalog data? You can do so using ContactPigeon.
  • Can you automatically generate personalized emails with cross-selling recommendations based on your visitors’ browsing history (e.g., recommend Product 2 to those who have viewed Product 1 on your e-shop)? Again, you can do that using ContactPigeon.

After describing what you do, it is time to drive the customer to your landing page. Make something that it is easy for someone to click into and find more information. Create a Button!


Build Your Brand Credibility with Customer Testimonials

In your website you have wonderful testimonials and you are proud that big companies are using your product, but not all potential customers will land on your website (even if you contact them). Why not have these data in your sales emails too?

In your e-mails’ footer, there is enough real estate for you to put the logos of the customers you are proud of!

Here is the current footer of ContactPigeon’s sales mail. Isn’t it great?

Bonus Tip

Before sending the mail you should do your homework. There is a nice growth hack that I like to call:

“The good salesman growth hack”

  1. Use tools (like LeadIQ) to generate qualified leads or to make lead enrichment.
  2. One week before sending the mail, try to create a Facebook Custom Audience and Google Customer Match with these mails.
  3. Target them with ads.
  4. Congrats! You converted a cold lead into a warm one.
Image Credits: GIPHY

ps. Thank you Joyce for your input!

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