40 coming soon page examples and how to build yours.

Viral Loops
Inside Viral Loops
Published in
8 min readJun 2, 2020


Have you ever met anyone being completely secretive about a new product they’re building?

Products are not black-ops programs, and in the era that a product prelaunch is an essential element of success, you need people to know as much as possible before launching.

That’s where a coming soon page comes in handy.

Whether you’re planning to launch a crowdfunding campaign, or funding a project by yourself, you want to put it out to the world as soon as possible.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the best pages we found and examine what makes a great one.

Finally, we’ll go through the tools and process that will help you build your own, and launch your new product with a buzz.

Why you need a coming soon page.

You have to understand that a page like this acts as a window from where the world can take a glimpse of what you’ll eventually offer.

But it’s not like this is the only benefit.

You need a coming soon page for four reasons:

  1. You can communicate how your product works.
  2. It’s an opportunity to test your brand’s message.
  3. You’ll generate leads.
  4. It’s a chance to receive constructive feedback, conduct user interviews, and launch a better product.

The four reasons mentioned above are interconnected with each other.

To build a better product, you need feedback. You’ll get that feedback from early adopters, whom you’ll capture with your brand messaging and the premise for your product.

Many people overlook the usage of branding voice. Don’t be like that.

Give time to think carefully about your brand’s identity as it’s something that builds communities around products. TheSkimm utilized branding to create a fanatic fan base for their newsletter.

Harry’s razors also leveraged their funny and witty branding voice before launching.

What makes a coming soon page great.

Our narcissistic nature- as humans, pushes us to believe that when something works out for others, it’s out of pure luck.

Although life is very random when looking at the big picture, it has been proven that some things are possible to plan.

In other words, you can’t expect luck to grace you. You need to be prepared, expecting to fall victim to the lack of it.

There are recipes you can follow if you want something to work, and although you can never be 100% sure of the outcome, they are an excellent place to start.

So, such a page should include three key elements:

  1. Clear value proposition.
  2. Branding and design.
  3. Call to action.

The value proposition informs people about the problem you’re planning to fix with your product. In Robihood’s case, the value proposition was commission-free stock trading.

According to Wikipedia, a brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.

They say that people don’t buy products; they buy better versions of themselves.

Maybe the best example of how branding works is the iPod.

Instead of advertising the storage capabilities of the mp3 player, Apple decided to point out that by buying an iPod, you’re going to have 1,000 songs in your pocket.

Now, the call-to-action is what the name suggests; it’s an element that is supposed to tell the visitor what to do to get the benefit presented by the product.

There’s a notion that a call-to-action is supposed to be a button, but the truth is that it could be a combination of a tagline and a button.


Tagline: “Be the first to try it when we launch.”

Button: “Join the waitlist.”

Now that we’ve seen the elements that make a coming soon page great let’s take a look at the 40 best examples we found that fulfill the criteria.

Providing extra incentives.

Although it’s not a must-do, providing extra incentives for signing up can move the needle.

This is made possible via referral marketing, which apart from the main benefit- boosting word of mouth, it allows you to reduce your CPL (cost per lead).

There are many options when it comes to referral rewards, but overall they are divided into two categories:

  1. Early access.
  2. Prizes.

The best 40 coming soon page examples.

1. AdTerminal

2. Allbirds

3. Apple Arcade

4. Apple TV+

5. Buffer Analyze

6. Byte

7. Deximal

8. Disney+

9. Dropbox Paper

10. Duolingo

11. Equal Parts

12. Everlane

13. Evrybo

14. Freetrade

15. Freewrite

16. GoBlog

17. Juicy

18. Launchday

19. Mindjournal

20. Mint

21. Pitch

22. Proposals

23. Quip

24. Robinhood

25. Slidescamp

26. Spoil

27. Stopwatch

28. Stuvio

29. Superhuman

30. Supply

31. TeekTak

32. Themezilla

33. Transistor

34. Typenugget

35. Viewple

36. Voyager

37. Webconf.asia

38. Webflow Interactions

39. Wistia Brandwagon

40. Workweek

The tools you need to launch your coming soon pages.

As you probably understand, such a page cannot come to life just by imagining how it looks.

You need to find the proper tool that will do the job efficiently and in a fast manner. Overall, there are four kinds of tools that you can use.

  1. A landing page builder.
  2. A CMS (Content Management System).
  3. An Email Marketing platform.
  4. A Referral Marketing software.

1. Landing page builder.

A landing page builder will allow you to create landing pages quickly, as they are more than often easy to use, and they come with a lot of pre-made templates you can use.

Apart from that, most of these platforms allow you to create multiple variations of your pages. That’s great for testing different designs, calls-to-action, and copywriting in general.

On the downside, landing page builders might seem a bit pricey if you plan to use it only to create one landing page.

Recommended platforms:

2. CMS (Content Management System).

Content management systems are tools you can utilize to build anything from a simple landing page to a blog, or a fully functioning website.

There are many available themes and templates you can use, but these platforms are, most of the time, easy to use. That allows you to build your custom themes.

Although using a CMS gives you many options in functionality, they often require third-party tools and plugins to work correctly.

Another thing that’s great about content management systems is the plethora of information and tutorials to help you get started.

Recommended platforms:

3. Email Marketing platform.

The reason you need an email marketing platform is rather apparent.

After capturing your leads, you need to open a conversation with them to gather feedback, or just to send them updates considering your launch.

These platforms are straightforward to use and offer many capabilities in terms of segmenting users. That way, you’ll ensure that you send the right message to the right person.

More and more of these platforms started rolling out landing page building features, but most of the time are not that sophisticated.

Recommended platforms:

4. Referral Marketing software.

In case you decide to provide extra incentives to people for signing up, you’ll need a referral marketing platform.

You need a way to track and assign successful referrals to specific users and reward them accordingly.

There are two ways to reward early adopters:

  1. Giving early access.
  2. Providing rewards.

To make Viral Loops easy to use, we created templates that will help you build the ideal campaign based on the way you want to reward people.

Originally published at Viral Loops

