600 Upvotes, 54 Comments, 15K+ Pageviews and counting…

Savvas Zortikis
Inside Viral Loops
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1 min readDec 14, 2016

Hey everyone!

In case you didn’t notice, we’ve launched Viral Loops for Startups on Product Hunt. 🙌

We designed and built it specifically for startups and small companies who want to acquire more customers organically.

Now you can run a prelaunch campaign like Robinhood did or a referral program inspired by Dropbox with just a few clicks.

We’re doing awesome and already got 600 upvotes, 54 comments, 15K pageviews and looooots of sign ups! 🎉

In the next few days we’ll share some actionable tips on how we did it, so you can try this marketing tactic for your own company and have more chances to succeed!

If you haven’t done already, make sure to check us out at: 👉https://www.producthunt.com/posts/viral-loops-for-startups

Let us know what you think!



Co-founder & CEO at Viral Loops



Savvas Zortikis
Inside Viral Loops

Entrepreneurship, life lessons, startup growth. Co-founder & CEO @ViralLoopsHQ.