An eCommerce ebook that you’ll regret not downloading

George Vasiliadis
Inside Viral Loops
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2017

I thought of starting this article by giving you some yearly stats for eCommerce just to justify my next sentence that would be about how big, shopping online has become and blah, blah, blah.

But you already know that stuff. Don’t ya? 😎

Let’s do a reality check. The reason you’re reading these lines is that your eCommerce doesn’t perform the way you expected:

• You don’t have enough traffic.
• Your conversion rate sucks.
• Your customers don’t come back as often as you want.
• The amount of $$ you use to drive your sales, matches or exceeds the $$ you make.

Am I wrong? 😏

I’ve been there, and I know all the bad thoughts that come along with that kind of
• “I need to work more.”
• “Maybe this is not the thing for me.”
• “F*#k that, I can’t take this anymore.”

Allow me to clear this up for you:
• You don’t need to work more. You need to think smarter and act faster.
• All the events in your life brought you here. This is THE thing for you!
• You can take much more than you can imagine.

So, what is this book about? 📖

Throughout this very eBook, you will get a deeper understanding of what can make or break your eCommerce store. In addition to that, we’ll present you tools and how you can utilize them to take your store one step ahead of the competition.

Further inside, you’ll have the opportunity to learn the best ways to grow and retain a healthy contact list and traffic for your store. We’ll also teach you the art of increasing your conversion rate.

Finally, we’ll get through on the why’s and how’s you should increase your long-term customer value through continuous nurturing and engagement of your existing customers.

I could literally write more than 2K words trying to convince you about the value that this book provides, but I think that this would spoil the reading experience for you.

Instead, I’ll just quote what some of the people that read it, had to say:

“‘Let the cash flow’ is a great book (with a great title) that every eCommerce specialist should read. I learned a lot of new growth tactics and we will be implementing them at our agency very soon. Kudos to the Viral Loops team once again!Milton George, Founder of MF

“This ebook made me want to pause my marketing and rethink some important parts. Some golden nuggets which is totally worth the 30mins I spent reading this.Marcus Karoumi, Co-founder at AR/WE Sweden

R U ready to Let The Ca$h Flow?

I’m really proud of the outcome. I actually think that we should sell it, instead of giving it for free.

But, damn; we 💗 you!

Now, I want you to grab your free copy of ‘Let the Ca$h flow’, push play on the Spotify list we created, kick-off your shoes, make yourself comfortable and enjoy reading.

Oh, when you finish reading it would be very kind if you give us your feedback. Maybe your recommendations make it to the next version.

Cheers 🙂

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Originally posted in our awesome blog.

We’d love to get your feedback, so feel free to leave a response below.

Viral Loops is the all-in-one viral marketing platform to launch your
referral programs, sweepstakes, competitions and pre-launch campaigns.

