How to track your Messenger Giveaway performance

Viral Loops
Inside Viral Loops
Published in
8 min readMar 1, 2019


Facebook Messenger chatbots are on the rise.

No, we didn’t reach the singularity and Skynet is still far away from taking over (or isn’t it?), but automated messaging has gained a lot of followers during the last 2 years.

I find it perfectly normal.

Messenger is a great platform to increase your engagement, build relationships with your clients, drive new sales, or even save some“lost cases”.

We decided to get into Messenger marketing by building MessengerBot Giveaways, initially for a client that wanted to run a giveaway directly from inside Facebook Messenger.

It was a great way to validate the idea that was running through our heads for some time, at that point. We’ve built the product, run the campaign and managed to collect 35K leads in 20 days with a viral Messenger giveaway.

If you want to learn more about how ‘Messenger Bot Giveaways’ works, you HAVE TO watch my beautiful face giving a quick overview in this video.

Our goal from the very beginning was to help our customers to grow their audience with referral marketing, and what we found out early on is that the desired result rarely comes by just building a referral program.

As in all marketing campaigns, you have to track the performance, iterate based on the results, track once again, and repeat until you’ve reached maximum performance.

If you’re new to Messenger marketing, it’s only natural that you don’t know where to start looking.

No worries.

This article was crafted especially for those who want to build a viral Messenger giveaway, and track it properly!

The core Messenger Giveaway metrics.

Ok, let’s say you decided to run your Messenger Bot giveaway, what do you do?

I’ll go full sales mode here and I’ll say: “Buy our ‘Messenger Bot Giveaways’ template for Manychat”. Seriously, that’s the first thing you need to do. We have all the instructions you’ll need to build your campaign in a few minutes.

The flow of the campaign inside Manychat will look exactly like this:

Since this flow is the heart and soul of your campaign, the first things you need to track about your campaign, exist inside Manychat.

Let’s see what are those metrics.

Open Rate.

If you ever run an email campaign, you know what Open Rate means; it’s the number of people opening your messages as opposed to the number of people that received the message in the first place.

When we interviewed Arri Bagah, a.k.a. The Botman, we said that a good lead generation campaign via Messenger gets on average 90–95% open rate. So if your campaigns open rate is lower than that, you should make sure that the way you “lure” people in makes it clear enough that they’ll receive a message from your page in their Messenger inbox.

Apart from the very first message that your participants will receive, you’ll have to also track the open rates of the follow-up emails of the giveaway’s flow.

In order to do that in Manychat:

  1. Go to the ‘Flows’ tab.
  2. Choose your campaign’s flow.

You’ll get metrics for every message of your Messenger giveaway individually, as shown below.

Click-Through Rate.

That’s another classic metric. People who will not click in order to proceed to the next step, will do so for 3 reasons:

  1. They don’t understand what they have to do next.
  2. They are not interested anymore.
  3. They opened your message by accident.

If your campaign gets on its first step a CTR of 20%, or lower, there’s a problem you need to take care immediately.

The only solution that I see is to improve your copywriting.

Maybe your Call-to-action is not convincing, or the rest of the copy is confusing to the point that people don’t really understand how to proceed.

You can track your flow’s CTRs by following the same steps as for the Open Rates.

Participation Rate.

This metric helps you track the rate of people that decided to participate (duh!) after receiving your first message.

In this particular example, the participation rate is equal to the CTRof the main CTA from the 1st message you send to users while they enter your giveaways flow (shown in the screenshot above).


This is the #1 most important metric when it comes to a referral campaign in general.

The K-factor (or Viral Coefficient)- as mentioned in our article about the most important metrics in referral marketing, is measured by dividing the average number of conversions from invitations received by the average number of invitations sent.

But how do you measure the K-factor for your Messenger Bot Giveaway?

It’s simple:

  1. You log in to your Viral Loops account.
  2. Select to view your campaign’s dashboard.
  3. You scroll a bit until you find the ‘Referral/Participant’ Ratio.

A sustainable K-factor factor of 0.15 to 0.25 is good, 0.4 is great, and around 0.7 is outstanding.

As you can see in the image above, the K-factor is 0.5, which balances towards the ‘outstanding’ spectrum.

Landing Page metrics.

One of the first things you’ll need for your campaign is a landing page that converts.

According to Hunter McKinley, you have to include the main call-to-action above the fold, and maybe add a counter to communicate the sense of urgency.

Below the fold, you might include as much info as possible about the rules and prizes of the giveaway.

Here’s an example:

Even though most of the people will discover your giveaway from Facebook Messenger, you have to leverage the existing traffic on your website.

In terms of metrics, you have to pay attention to:

  • The number of New Users.
  • Bounce Rate.
  • Click-Through Rate.
  • Conversion Rate (Visitor to participant).

You can track the Number of New Users and the Bounce Rate directly from your Google Analytics.

Since you want the CTA on the Landing Page to lead people inside Messenger, you need to create a unique link by using Manychat’s Growth Tools and assign it to your button.

In order to track the Click-Through Rate and the Conversion Rateof that button, you’ll have to navigate to your Growth Tools inside Manychat and find the Growth Tool you created.

Next to it, you’ll find the metrics you need.

Facebook posts.

As I mentioned earlier, most of the action for your Messenger Bot Giveaway will take place inside Facebook.

For the particular case, I’m using as an example, we created a Facebook post with Manychat’s Comment Growth Tool, asking people to leave a comment with their favorite travel destination.

The reason we decided to use this Growth Tool is simple;Comments boost the organic reach of a Facebook post. This tactic is even more powerful when combined with paid advertising.

If you decide to go with this tactic, I recommend you keep a close eye on:

  • The number of comments.
  • Impression/Comment Ratio.
  • Participation Rate.

It’s obvious where you can track the number of comments for your post, but what’s more important that this number being big, it’s the Impression/Comment Ratio.

The reason that this is important, is because it will act as an indicator of how engaging is the post itself.

For highly engaging Facebook posts you’ll need:

  1. A very good image creative.
  2. Copy that makes people leave a comment. e.g. In the example above, we asked people what is their dream destination.

The participation rate can be found inside Manychat’s dashboard for your Growth Tools. It’s referred to as “Conversion Rate”- you have to follow the exact steps I gave you about tracking Growth Tool metrics, in the section above.

Various Growth Tools.

Taking under consideration the things I wrote about Manychat’s Growth Tools, you can use and track the other available options from Manychat.

In the case I’m presenting you, we also used a ‘Slide-In’ widget and the ‘Facebook Messenger Code’ Growth Tool, which we printed on a banner that was placed in the gyms that our customer owns.

For the ‘Slide-In’ widget you can track:

  • The Click-Through Rate.
  • The Participation Rate a.k.a. Conversion Rate.

If you choose to use a scan code printed on banners, you can’t track how many people actually saw the banner, but you can have an idea of how well it converts people into participants.

Before you go.

Tracking the elements of your viral Messenger Giveaway is vital for the success of the campaign itself. If you don’t track everything, you have no insight into the things that you’ve implemented.

In other words, you’re doomed. I have yet to see a campaign that needs no iteration during its course.

If you decide to run a viral Messenger Bot giveaway, most of the metrics you’ll ever need can be found either inside Manychat’s dashboards or your Viral Loops dashboard.

In case you skipped straight to this final section, make sure to scroll a bit up because I’ve included some pretty interesting stuff.

Good luck & keep being awesome 😎

Originally published at Viral Loops.

