Mandatory Employee Hugs Transformed Our Business

Russell Weiss
Inside WEEL


We are an Israeli company focused on lending in the Brazilian market.

Israeli and Brazillian cultures mix about as well as falafel balls in a taco (yes, I’m aware that tacos are a Mexican food, but you get the point).

Our Israeli staff is made up of people who have spent most of their careers working for large U.S. and Israeli corporations. We were used to maintaining very thick emotional walls at work. We had a very, “leave your feelings at home” approach.

A few months ago, we tried something crazy. The standard greeting in Brazil when you see a coworker for the first time each day is a hug. So we decided to make hugs mandatory in our Israeli office also. Every employee is required to receive a hug when he arrives at work each day.

At first, the hugs were awkward.

“Do I really want to smell that guys B.O.?”

“Ouch, you stabbed me with your pen.”

“That stain is permanent! Please, next time, put down the coffee down before you hug me!”

After a few weeks, the hugs became more normal, and most people complain each day if they don’t receive their hug within the first few minutes after arriving in the office.

So what’s so great about hugs?

  1. “I love you” Culture — It’s hard to get really angry at a coworker that hugged you in the morning and that you’re probably going to need to hug tomorrow.
  2. The Ultimate Boost — Employees are emotional beings. They have ups and downs and hard days at home. Sometimes they need a boost. Coffee and chocolate work (and we use those too), but nothing works better than a hug.
  3. Nothing to Hide — Half of a hug is being hugged. Being hugged means that I break down my barriers and let you into my world. Hugs create a culture of openness that reduces the risk of espionage in companies that work with sensitive data.
  4. I Care — The other half of a hugs is hugging. Hugging shows you that you care. Employees that feel legitimately cared about are more likely to stick with you for the long haul.
  5. A Billion Times More Efficient — If a picture is worth a thousand words, a hug is probably worth a billion words. You can send millions of emails, texts, and Slack messages, but sometimes the best way to convey your message for your employee is with a hug.

So now what? Go for it! Don’t wimp out and send a hug emoticon or give half hugs. Go all in. Take two hands and two arms and wrap them around the guy in the cubicle next door. I guarantee after one taste of hug power, you’ll never allow yourself to have another hugless day.



Russell Weiss
Inside WEEL

Emotionally Intelligent. Data Nerd. Head of Decision Science at Banco BS2.