Meet Meera

Beth Daley
InsideClimate News
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2017

We’d like you to meet Meera Subramanian.

She is an award-winning journalist who researches the intersection of culture and the environment. And we want to send her prospecting for an all too elusive element in the United States these days: common language around a changing climate.

To do this, we need your financial support to send her into this unknown territory.

With the ideological divide on global warming wider than ever, finding this common ground will be challenging. Some say it is impossible. But Meera is a special kind of writer, gifted with the ability to listen deeply to people, a trait that can help construct the foundation for a larger, respectful conversation. She’s also got grace, humor and candor on her side.

Meera’s just finishing a Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT. An accomplished writer and book author published in many national and international publications, you can learn more about her here.

We are on our way to our $25,000 goal thanks to so many readers who believe in the value of this project, but we need your help to get us over the finish line.

Here’s what Meera said recently when we caught up with her to chat about theUnknown Territory project: “It’s a chance to leap over the political divide and find stories of people’s lived lives, not the check-box answers of big data and algorithms that neglect hope, fear, middle-of-the-night dreams. I’ll be talking to average Americans from all walks of life in the regions where reporters don’t roam nearly enough, the in-between places that are news deserts in spite of the people that inhabit them — farmers, coal miners, wind turbine installers, church-goers, fathers, mothers. To read the full interview click here.

We are aiming to reach our goal by early June to have Meera hit the road late this summer. We’ll keep donors apprised of her progress.

Help Us Rediscover the Hidden Middle Ground

