Building Resilience: Navigating Life’s Challenges

Inside Mamikos
Inside Mamikos
Published in
7 min readNov 17, 2023

Resilience is a powerful tool that helps us not just weather life’s storms but actually grow through them. In our recent Mamilearning session, we dived into the topic of resilience, providing practical insights and strategies to navigate life’s twists and turns.

Setting the Scene: Life Goals and the Wheel of Life Reflection

We kicked things off by asking everyone to think about the participants’ life goals — the big dreams that give our lives direction. This self-reflection set the stage for understanding personal motivations and aspirations.

The session then took an interactive turn, prompting participants to breathe life into their own Wheel of Life. This tool is like a visual exercise often used in coaching to help people quickly see how balanced and fulfilled their life is right now.

Imagine this wheel divided into some sections, each representing different areas important for a balanced life. Participants rated how satisfied they are in each area and marked it on the wheel. This gives them a simple picture of their current “life balance.”

As they did this exercise, participants looked into their Wheel of Life, thinking about what’s good in their life and what might be missing or needing more attention in different areas.

Reflective Journey

In this segment, participants were prompted to follow the directive, “Lihat apa yang dirasakan, apa yang terabaikan, dan dampaknya” — a simple guide to observe emotions, pinpoint neglected areas, and understand their potential impact on overall well-being.

Navigating the intricacies of daily life, where uttering a ‘no’ can be challenging, honesty served as the guiding light. Participants honestly assessed their lives, prioritizing what genuinely matters and aligning their actions accordingly.

As the session unfolded, the focus shifted to intentional prioritization amid the struggle of managing demands. The pivotal question emerged: What aspects of life could be seamlessly woven together to amplify mental well-being?

This wasn’t merely an exploration; it was an open invitation to design a blueprint for a healthier mental landscape. Encouraging the integration of diverse life aspects, participants were prompted to identify synergies and opportunities, paving the way for a balanced and flourishing mental ecosystem.

Why Acknowledging the Wheel of Life Matters

Understanding the Wheel of Life is crucial because often our expectations don’t align with reality. This disparity can lead to distress and even burnout. If left unaddressed, it may result in an outburst of negative emotions. The consequence is a tendency to adopt negative thought patterns, becoming irritable and aggressive, affecting both physical and mental health — manifesting as headaches or psychosomatic symptoms.

Exploring Human Emotions: Navigating Expectations and Reality

Life often brings a contrast between what we expect and what actually happens, giving rise to a mix of emotions. These feelings emerge from our internal and external experiences.

Emotions, our felt sensations, are like energy in motion. They serve three key functions: helping us survive, providing energy, and conveying messages. This emotional journey includes various states like anger, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and more.

Understanding the interplay of expectations and reality, we explore the diverse world of emotions. Recognizing these emotions helps us grasp their roles in our daily lives, from survival instincts to messaging tools. Each emotion adds a layer to the rich tapestry of the human experience.

Navigating Tough Times: The Kubler-Ross Model Unveiled

In challenging times, emotions often follow a distinct path, as illustrated by the Kubler-Ross model:

  1. Shock: The initial stage involves disbelief, creating a gap between reality and expectations.
  2. Denial: Seeking proof that the situation is untrue, individuals grapple with the idea of what has transpired.
  3. Frustration: The onset of anger and disappointment surfaces.
  4. Depression: A phase of low mood and feeling powerless ensues.
  5. Experimentation: Gradually, a desire to overcome difficulties emerges, leading to the experimentation phase where individuals try to confront the situation.
  6. Decision: A transition to positive thinking and adaptation to the new environment.
  7. Integration: The final stage marks personal growth, as individuals evolve with newfound perspectives.

Understanding these phases helps in navigating challenging times, fostering resilience, and embracing positive change.

Fostering Resilience: A Comprehensive Journey in Self-Management

Resilience, the ability to adapt to life’s challenges, is a nuanced process that encompasses mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility. This journey involves not only adapting to external and internal pressures but also proactively engaging in self-management practices.

  1. Self-awareness: Begin by cultivating a profound understanding of your thinking processes. Delve into the intricacies of your thoughts, recognizing patterns, and understanding how they shape your responses to various situations. This self-awareness lays the foundation for effective self-management.
  2. Self-worth: Establish a robust sense of self-worth by acknowledging your inherent value and capabilities. Recognize your unique qualities, skills, and accomplishments. This positive self-perception becomes a source of strength in navigating life’s challenges.
  3. Self-esteem: Elevate your self-esteem by deriving satisfaction from your achievements and personal qualities. Reflect on your successes, both big and small, fostering a healthy appreciation for your capabilities and contributions.
  4. Self-care: Prioritize intentional self-care practices that contribute to your overall well-being. This involves adopting habits that promote physical, mental, and emotional health. Whether it’s maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, or carving out time for activities that bring joy, self-care is a cornerstone of resilience.
  5. Self-acceptance: Embark on a journey of self-acceptance by reconnecting with your life experiences and childhood upbringing. This involves embracing your entire self, including strengths and weaknesses. Practice self-forgiveness, cease self-criticism, and acknowledge that imperfection is an inherent aspect of the human experience.

In weaving these elements into your daily life, you not only bolster your resilience but also foster a holistic approach to self-management. This multifaceted journey empowers you to navigate life’s complexities with grace and fortitude.

Embracing Emotions: A Guided Journey to Inner Harmony

In the pursuit of emotional well-being, fostering peace with our emotions becomes a transformative practice. Here’s a step-by-step guide to cultivating harmony within:

  1. Observe and Feel: Start by attentively observing any uncomfortable sensations in your body. Tune into your emotional reactions, acknowledging their presence without judgment. This mindful observation lays the groundwork for a deeper understanding.
  2. Recognize and Accept: Identify and fully accept the emotions you’re experiencing. Embrace them as valid components of your inner landscape. This recognition allows for a genuine acknowledgment of your feelings, promoting emotional authenticity.
  3. Breathe and Connect: Take a series of slow, deep breaths, focusing on the flow of each inhalation and exhalation. Redirect the breath to areas of tension, sending signals of relaxation. This conscious breathing serves as a bridge between mind and body, fostering a sense of calm.
  4. Explore Emotional Triggers: Delve into the roots of your emotions by exploring their triggers. Reconnect with the sensations and circumstances that gave rise to these feelings. Understanding the origins provides valuable insights into managing emotional responses.
  5. Visualize Alternative Responses: Engage in positive self-talk by envisioning alternative responses to challenging situations. Visualization empowers you to consider constructive reactions, promoting emotional resilience and adaptive coping mechanisms.
  6. Release Emotions: Acknowledge that emotions are transient. To release pent-up feelings, express them in a healthy way. Whether through verbal communication, creative expression, or physical activity, find an outlet that allows the free flow of emotions.

This holistic approach to embracing emotions nurtures a harmonious relationship with your inner self. By integrating these practices into your daily life, you pave the way for a more balanced and resilient emotional landscape.

Empowering Strategies for Building Resilience: The “PIJAK” Framework

To distill actionable strategies, we introduced the “PIJAK” framework:

  • P → Pilih: Focus on essential aspects of life.
  • I → Informasi: Curate information that nurtures positive perspectives.
  • J → Jeda: Incorporate breaks for mental rejuvenation.
  • A → Atur: Manage time and energy while embracing a healthy lifestyle.
  • K → Koneksi komunikasi: Foster a network of supportive communication.

Key Takeaways: Insights and Reflections

Our journey concluded with profound reflections:

  • Life is a tapestry of challenges, and acknowledging this complexity is crucial.
  • Celebrate the effort invested, finding contentment even when outcomes differ from expectations.
  • Embrace failure as part of the learning process, understanding that genuine effort matters most.
  • Self-induced pressure often emerges as a significant source of stress.
  • Gratitude, recognizing and appreciating life’s blessings, emerges as a potent force in promoting resilience.

Navigating Emotional Waters: Techniques for Stability

Our discourse extended to exploring practical techniques for emotional stabilization, including the butterfly hug — a gentle yet impactful method for restoring emotional equilibrium.

In essence, this exploration into resilience serves as a comprehensive guidebook, offering transformative insights and actionable strategies for not just surviving but thriving in life’s dynamic journey. It is an invaluable resource for those seeking to enhance their emotional intelligence, fortify their mental resilience, and unlock their full potential for a more enriching and fulfilling life.



Inside Mamikos
Inside Mamikos

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