Finding Balance: A Work-Life Balance Insight from Shelly

Inside Mamikos
Inside Mamikos
Published in
7 min readOct 6, 2023

Meet Shelly, an integral part of the Mamikos team for the past four years. Currently, she’s our Listing Operations Manager, diligently navigating the fast-paced world of property listings. In this article, Shelly opens up about her journey at Mamikos, offering a glimpse into her experiences and, more importantly, her wisdom on maintaining a harmonious work-life balance

Perspectives on Work-Life Balance

For Shelly, the concept of work-life balance is closely tied to mental health and overall well-being. It’s a response to the growing awareness of the adverse effects of overworking. She recalls her own experience with her previous startup, where excessive work led to severe health complications. This period of illness, lasting for several months, became a turning point for Shelly. It forced her to reevaluate her priorities and recognize the importance of achieving equilibrium between her personal and professional life.

She emphasizes that achieving work-life balance isn’t about adhering to a rigid, one-size-fits-all formula. Instead, it’s about recognizing your preferences, identifying stress triggers, understanding your workload, and allocating time accordingly. Each person’s balance will differ, and Shelly believes it’s essential to tailor your approach to suit your unique needs.

The Formula

Shelly has developed a personal formula for maintaining her work-life balance over the years. This formula is grounded in several key principles that she faithfully follows. To start, she dedicates a minimum of 8 hours a day to her work, ensuring she can meet her professional commitments effectively.

Recognizing the importance of taking regular breaks throughout the day, she incorporates short intervals for relaxation and refreshment. These brief pauses allow her to recharge her energy and approach her tasks with renewed focus and vigor. Whether it’s a few minutes spent watching YouTube videos or a quick shower to rejuvenate her mind, these micro-breaks are vital components of her daily routine.

Furthermore, Shelly understands the significance of physical activity in her life. To maintain her physical and mental well-being, she engages in various sports and outdoor activities 2–3 times a week. Tennis, in particular, has become one of her favored pastimes, providing both exercise and an enjoyable way to unwind from work-related stress.

Social interactions are another integral part of Shelly’s work-life balance strategy. She makes it a point to engage with friends and colleagues at least 1–2 times a week, ensuring she stays connected with her social network. These interactions provide emotional support and contribute to her overall sense of well-being.

Lastly, Shelly sets aside dedicated “me-time” at least once a week. During this precious period, she prioritizes self-care and relaxation. It might involve a peaceful evening of rest or any activity that brings her joy and tranquility.

Daily Routine

Optimally, she begins her day with prayer and light meditation, followed by either yoga or stretching exercises. Breakfast is a crucial part of her morning routine, either prepared at home or ordered in. Once work begins, Shelly commits to her tasks until completion.

If it’s a workout day, she incorporates exercise into her schedule. On non-workout days, Shelly indulges in personal time, often spent watching her favorite shows or enjoying a meal. She concludes her day with cleaning up and heading to bed. The in-between moments are flexible, allowing for activities like hanging out with friends, socializing, or even pursuing side hustles, such as becoming an agent for Allianz.

Setting Boundaries and Time Management

Shelly’s approach to maintaining a healthy work-life balance extends beyond routines and activities; it’s deeply rooted in setting clear priorities and maintaining unwavering focus. For her, achieving this equilibrium is a well-thought-out process, built on a foundation of self-awareness and effective time management.

One of Shelly’s fundamental principles is the meticulous understanding of her tasks and responsibilities. She firmly believes that clarity about what needs to be done, when it needs to be accomplished, and how much time it will take is pivotal. This knowledge allows her to navigate her professional commitments with precision and efficiency. By knowing the ins and outs of her work, she can make informed decisions about her schedule and allocate her time wisely.

Shelly also places significant emphasis on recognizing when to push herself and when to take a break. She acknowledges that maintaining a relentless pace can lead to burnout and hinder overall well-being. Thus, she’s developed a keen sense of self-awareness to identify moments when she needs to step back, recharge, and rejuvenate.

Flexibility and Remote Work:

Mamikos offers its employees the flexibility of remote work, a feature Shelly wholeheartedly appreciates. This particular feature has deeply resonated with Shelly, and she wholeheartedly appreciates the opportunities it brings. The ability to work remotely empowers her to optimize her time effectively, eliminating the often time-consuming commutes that are a part of traditional office setups.

With remote work, Shelly is not confined to a specific workspace. She can choose to work from anywhere she pleases, be it the cozy confines of her home, a vibrant café, or even while traveling. This newfound freedom allows her to incorporate work seamlessly into her life, rather than the other way around. It enables her to explore new places, experience different environments, and maintain her professional commitments simultaneously.

Shelly has discovered that embracing the Work From Anywhere (WFA) option, provides an excellent opportunity for achieving work-life harmony. The key, she believes, is to maintain a steadfast commitment to integrity and performance. As long as employees remain dedicated to their tasks and responsibilities, the WFA option can be a transformative tool in the pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling life.

Managing Stress

In her extensive experience, Shelly doesn’t view stress solely as a negative force; she also recognizes its potential as a positive motivator. Stress, when managed effectively, can push individuals out of their comfort zones, stimulating creative thinking and growth. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance and identify when stress becomes overwhelming. During such moments, Shelly believes in the power of taking a step back, whether it’s a short break or gradually working through the stressors to regain composure.

Shelly’s approach to stress relief is versatile, tailored to the situation at hand. During work hours, short breaks might involve a few minutes of light-hearted YouTube videos or a quick shower to refresh her mind, effectively rejuvenating her focus. However, for those times when stress lingers over more extended periods, she turns to outdoor activities and hobbies as her solace. Among these, tennis stands out as one of her personal favorites, offering not just a physical outlet but also a mental escape. Engaging in sports and outdoor activities not only helps her maintain her physical well-being but also enables her to return to her tasks with renewed energy, sharper focus, and a more positive outlook.

Moreover, for prolonged episodes of stress, Shelly occasionally indulges in travel. Exploring new destinations, immersing herself in the beauty of different landscapes, and experiencing diverse cultures serve as her ultimate form of self-indulgence. These moments away from the daily grind provide her with much-needed relaxation and inspiration, ultimately contributing to her overall well-being and work-life balance.

Advice for Others

Shelly’s advice to her colleagues at Mamikos and professionals everywhere is straightforward: remember the initial goal and self awareness. Always keep in mind the initial reasons they started working, bring it as a motivation to achieve. Whether it’s to support their families or achieve personal goals, those objectives should always be preserved. She also emphasizes the importance of being aware of one’s health because when we’re ill, our ability to pursue those goals is compromised. Therefore, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a crucial step in reaching these aspirations. While ambition is admirable, recognizing one’s limitations and respecting one’s body is crucial. Maintaining good health and managing work effectively are paramount.



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