I Am Accepted, What Next? A Guide for New Employees

Inside Mamikos
Inside Mamikos
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2023

Congratulations! You’ve landed the job and now embark on a thrilling journey into the professional world. But what comes next? How can you ensure a smooth transition from acceptance to thriving in your new workplace? Fear not, as we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide on what to prepare and do as a new employee, organized into key phases: after accepting the offer, the first day, the first week, and the first few months.

After Accepting The Offer

1. Offering Letter & Employment Agreement

So, you got the job offer — congrats! Now, it’s time to dig into some paperwork. Two important documents are heading your way: the offering letter and the employment agreement. The employment agreement is like the rulebook of your job. It’s serious business, legally binding and all. You need to pay special attention to things like your job status, how long your contract lasts, the perks you get, and what happens if the job has to end. Oh, and don’t forget, the offering letter and employment agreement are not twins; they’re different but equally important. Make sure you’ve got your hands on both of them!

2. Initial Preparation

Before your first day at the new job, there’s some groundwork to cover. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Contact HR: Reach out to the Human Resources (HR) folks. Ask them about: Onboarding events and schedule, First-day details, Where the office is and what to wear, Any gadgets or software you need to bring or set up
  • Pre-Day Survey: Take a virtual stroll or drive to your new workplace. Get a feel for the commute. And if you’re moving, start looking for a place to stay.
  • Paperwork: Wrap up any paperwork left hanging. Cross those t’s and dot those i’s.

Pro Tip: The better you prepare, the smoother your start.

First Day

1. Prepare to Learn A Lot

Imagine your first day as a crash course — you’re going to absorb a ton of info! Here’s what to expect during the onboarding sessions:

  • Company mission, values, and policies
  • An overview of your role and responsibilities
  • Tools, logins, and passwords
  • Introductions to team members and their roles

2. Create a Good First Impression & Be Yourself

The importance of first impressions cannot be overstated. Focus on:

  • Selecting appropriate attire
  • Maintaining neatness and punctuality
  • Exhibiting enthusiasm and a positive attitude

3. Observe Your Surroundings

Take the time to observe and absorb information about your new environment. Ask questions and remain open to understanding how things work.

4. Listen More, Bring Positive Energy

Active listening, combined with a positive attitude, will set the tone for your interactions. Ask questions, show enthusiasm, and establish yourself as an engaged and eager team member.

5. Keep The Lunch Plans Open

Lunchtime can be a gateway to networking opportunities. Keep your lunch plans open to engage in productive conversations, foster connections, and learn more about your colleagues on a personal level.

Bonus Tips: Find a work buddy, interact with security and support staff, and adapt your communication style based on workplace culture.

First Week

1. Get to Know Teammates & Leaders

The first week is all about building relationships. Utilize the 3S rule (Senyum, Salam, Sapa) and practice courtesy. Take the time to understand your leader’s expectations.

2. Create Plan and Goals

Now that you have insights into what is expected of you, channel that knowledge into creating both short-term and long-term goals. The key is not just to set goals but to take action towards achieving them.

3. Adapt and Master Your Job

The world of work is dynamic, and adaptability is a prized skill. Embrace continuous adaptation, seek opportunities for growth, and focus on mastering your assigned role.

4. Learn The Unwritten Norms & Company Culture

Beyond the official rules lie the unwritten norms of the workplace. These are the unspoken rules, behaviors, and expectations that shape the culture. Observe, inquire, and familiarize yourself with these norms.

Extra Tips: Consider bringing snack to your desk so everyone will come, avoid getting entangled in office gossip, and actively participate in company and team events.

First Few Months

1. Be an Apprentice

The initial months are a learning curve. Maintain a growth mindset and commit to daily learning habits. Adaptability and a hunger for knowledge will serve you well.

2. Focus on Relationship

Building trust over time is crucial. Solidify your relationships with colleagues, seek networking opportunities, and participate actively in team-building activities.

3. Avoid Gossip

Office gossip can be a pitfall. Be a neutral listener if you cannot avoid it, and keep your focus on your work.

4. Maintain Your Performance

Consistency is key to long-term success. Involve yourself in continuous learning, adapt to changes, set plans and goals, manage your time and priorities effectively, and maintain organizational skills.

5. Keep an Open Mindset

Understand the human aspects of the workplace, welcome diverse viewpoints, and maintain an open-minded approach to challenges and changes.

6. Ask for Feedback

Regular one-on-one sessions with your leader for feedback can be instrumental in your growth. Be open to constructive criticism, use it for learning and improvement, and seek guidance on how to succeed.

Closing Thoughts

Adaptability is the key element of success, blending both work and personal aspects, and covering a range of technical and interpersonal abilities. The insights shared in this guide are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate your new work environment successfully.



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