Nurturing Growth: A Closer Look at Learning in Mamikos

Inside Mamikos
Inside Mamikos
Published in
5 min readOct 21, 2023

Let’s uncover the hidden mechanisms that drive learning and development at Mamikos as we engage in a frank discussion with Tosina, who recently marked her one-year milestone as a People Development Associate at Mamikos. Tosina generously imparts valuable insights into Mamikos’ strategies for nurturing learning and promoting personal growth.

Why Learning Matters

Based on the readings about Gallup’s theories, the primary reason people choose to stay with a company has undergone a significant shift. Nowadays, employees aren’t merely seeking survival in the workplace; they’re looking for an improved quality of life. According to this theory, the highest priority is placed on learning. It has a substantial impact on enhancing performance and employee engagement. The key factor is whether employees feel they are growing and whether the company provides opportunities for growth and learning to keep them motivated. In all companies, if employees feel stuck or stagnant in their development, they are more likely to seek new opportunities elsewhere.

The Core of Mamikos’ Philosophy

Tosina firmly believes in a holistic approach to employee growth and development within Mamikos. Tosina underscores her belief in the pivotal role of HR as facilitator, while emphasizing that the majority of the impact, approximately 80%, originates from leaders and those actively involved in employees’ daily work. HR’s function extends beyond providing directives; they also serve as consultants and leaders who transform strategies into concrete outcomes. This comprehensive approach underscores that employee development is a collective effort, requiring the commitment of HR, leaders, and team members.

Tosina underscores the importance of employees understanding how leader involvement profoundly influences their development. She Emphasizes the point that HR cannot operate in isolation; it requires a close-knit collaboration between HR, leaders, and team members to cultivate a dynamic learning and development culture at Mamikos. This synergy among these components fuels the organization’s progress and ensures a thriving environment of growth and opportunity for all employees.

Department Learning: Web Security Penetration

A Multifaceted Approach to Learning

Mamikos offers a diverse range of learning and training programs, ensuring that everyone can find the right path for their growth. These programs include:

  1. Mamilearning: A monthly program covering both general and department-specific topics, driven by data and learning reports.
  2. Departmental Learning: Tailored learning experiences designed for each department, ensuring they get the precise training they need.
  3. Mamiclass: Small, focused classes designed for upskilling and fostering open communication.
  4. Training for Trainers: Preparing employees in different divisions to become trainers for their teams.
  5. Leadership Development Program: A specialized program targeting leaders, with workshops and sessions for different leadership levels.
Department Learning: Basic Photography for Hospitality

Making Learning a Part of Everyday Work Culture

In the early stages, the learning landscape at Mamikos operated in an ad hoc manner, largely dictated by specific requests. This approach was quite fitting given that the competencies of both the organization and its employees were still in the process of evolving. Tosina sheds light on how the shift from this method to a more organized approach was initiated, with the introduction of Learning & Training Need Analysis. The primary goal was to align learning opportunities with individual employee needs, ensuring that the learning process remained effective and tailored to their growth, and to ensure that learning never became a burdensome task for the employees.

A fundamental aspect that Tosina passionately underscores is the essential role of continuous communication with employees and leaders. This ongoing dialogue is critical in helping them fully grasp the underlying objectives of various learning initiatives. She explains that making learning a habitual practice takes time and consistency but is entirely attainable.

Taking Pride in Progress: Standout Projects

Tosina is proud of two projects that have made a significant impact at Mamikos:

  • TNA (Training Need Analysis): This project is a game-changer as it uncovers and enhances the company’s learning culture.
  • Mamilearning & Mamiclass: Insights from surveys indicate high employee satisfaction with learning opportunities and growth potential for personal development.
Training for Trainers

Evaluating and Providing Feedback

Learning assessment in Mamikos ensuring that every employee’s input is valued and leveraged for continual improvement. Here’s a more detailed look at the process:

  1. Learning Report Contributions: Every employee actively participates in the learning assessment process by contributing to a learning report. This report not only captures the quantitative aspects of learning but also delves into qualitative aspects. It includes questions aimed at assessing speaker effectiveness, knowledge gained, and even behavioral changes observed after the completion of training.
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation: The commitment to the growth and development of employees doesn’t stop at the end of a training session. Instead, Mamikos believes in the long-term application and impact of learning. Thus, the organization carries out regular monitoring and evaluation. This process involves assessing the effect of learning initiatives on the success of various projects. It takes place at a set interval of every three months, allowing the company to track the continuous development and growth of its workforce effectively.

By implementing this robust learning assessment system, Mamikos ensures that every learning opportunity is not only effective but also continuously refined for the benefit of the organization and its employees.

Mamiclass: Spreadsheet

Internal Motivation for Learning

Tosina takes a moment to address a common misconception concerning internal motivation. She emphasizes that the perceived lack of motivation isn’t necessarily the issue; sometimes, it’s about the alignment of learning with what’s truly necessary. She suggests a practical approach of evaluating whether the learning in question is genuinely needed and aligns with one’s specific work and objectives.

Once employees recognize the relevance and necessity of learning in their roles, their internal motivation naturally ignites. It’s not about lacking motivation; it’s about ensuring that learning initiatives resonate with individual needs and goals, fostering a self-driven commitment to personal and professional growth. Tosina also places a strong emphasis on the quality of learning over quantity, stating that one impactful learning experience that improves job performance is more valuable than numerous learnings with little to no impact.

The interview with Tosina leaves no doubt about Mamikos’ commitment to nurturing a learning culture that’s deeply rooted in the company’s values and daily operations. From visionary leadership to diverse learning programs, it’s evident that Mamikos stands out as an organization that invests in its most valuable assets — its employees.



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