Unveiling Mamikos’ Thriving Mentorship Culture

Inside Mamikos
Inside Mamikos
Published in
8 min readNov 3, 2023
Giga Prakosa Hikmata

In the rapidly evolving world of tech, keeping one’s skills sharp and up-to-date is a constant challenge. For Giga, a seasoned member of the Mamikos team, this challenge led to the birth of a thriving culture of mentorship that now permeates the company’s technical divisions. As the Senior Engineering Manager, Giga has been pioneering the art of mentoring within Mamikos, and the results are nothing short of spectacular.

The Journey of Giga: Seven Years of Dedication

Giga’s Mamikos journey began seven years ago with a team of just six members, covering Engineering, Design, and Product. In 2018, he stepped into the role of Lead, overseeing a team of three. As Mamikos expanded rapidly in 2019 and 2020, the company adopted a squad-based structure and introduced the role of Engineering Manager (EM) to meet the growing demands. Giga, along with two others, assumed the role, supervising nine squads, primarily focusing on the Frontend Division. Notably, in mid-2023, Giga’s dedication and performance led to his promotion to the position of Senior Engineering Manager.

He aslo actively contributes to the tech community, particularly with JogjaJS. Initially a knowledge seeker, he now serves as an organizer, ensuring the community’s continuous growth. Giga’s commitment to giving back and sharing knowledge shines through his active involvement with JogjaJS.

Mentorship Mamikos Frontend Season 2

From Idea to Action: The Genesis of Mentorship

The seeds of Mamikos’ groundbreaking mentoring culture were sown when Giga and his colleagues, including Tri and Umriya, recognized the need for a more balanced skill set within their team. The challenge lay in empowering team members with varying levels of expertise. How could they bridge this gap without excessive cost or effort?

Their solution was ingenious — a mentorship program, where they initially conducting a survey to self-reflect on their individual Frontend competencies. The outcome was a clear understanding of team members’ strengths and areas in need of improvement, enabling them to identify potential mentors. Giga highlighted the principle of mentoring based on the mentee’s needs; it is their responsibility to find a mentor.

After a mentee’s learning journey, feedback is gathered from both mentees and mentors to assess whether the expectations were met. One notable success story was the remarkable boost in automation testing coverage after mentoring on the topic.

Mentorship Mamikos Frontend Season 3

Reimagining Mentoring Season

As the mentoring program evolved, it underwent a transformation that marked a significant departure from its initial model. Rather than strictly relying on matching mentees with mentors, the program shifted its focus towards areas of expertise that were of utmost relevance to Mamikos as an organization. This strategic adjustment allowed mentees to proactively seek out mentors who could address specific needs and challenges, aligning their development with the company’s goals.

This shift was motivated by a clear objective: to ensure that mentoring was not just about personal skill enhancement but also about providing tangible benefits to the company. It represented a transition towards a self-driven learning approach, where employees took the initiative to identify areas where they could grow and sought mentors who could guide them in those specific domains. This dynamic approach sought to bridge the gap between individual development and the organization’s broader objectives, fostering a culture of alignment and mutual growth.

Spreading the Mentorship Culture

The success of mentoring didn’t remain confined to Frontend. Tech Leaders recognized that the need for skills balancing transcended divisions. Concerns about time allocation initially hindered expansion. However, the program found its way into all technical departments.

As of early 2023, Mamikos’ mentorship culture had expanded to include all technical divisions, namely Backend, QA, Mobile, DevOps and Data. With a structured concept, members could now choose mentors and topics based on personal needs, making the program even more inclusive. The impact is already evident, with more open lines of communication, fewer roadblocks, and improved team bonding.

Mentoring Mobile x Backend

Key to Success

Giga and his team discovered the pivotal factor that fueled the success of their mentorship program: active and enthusiastic participation. To foster this culture of engagement, they took a proactive approach by introducing a series of well-considered guidelines and practices.

The first key measure was a structured approach to mentor-mentee pairings. Giga and his team were directly involved in facilitating these initial connections, ensuring that the right match was made. Additionally, they established a minimum requirement of at least one mentoring session per semester for each team member. This framework provided a strong foundation for the program, guiding employees to embark on their mentorship journeys.

As the program gained momentum and its benefits became increasingly evident, something remarkable transpired. The once mandatory pairings and minimum session requirements evolved into something far more profound — a natural and enthusiastic embrace of mentorship by the employees themselves. This transformation was a testament to their genuine commitment to personal and professional growth. It showcased their deep-rooted belief in the value of mentorship and demonstrated that they were willing to go the extra mile to advance their skills and knowledge. This organic shift reflected the heart of Mamikos’ mentorship culture, characterized by a proactive spirit of learning and a genuine passion for self-improvement.

Mentoring Backend x Architect Engineer

Measuring the Impact

In the nurturing environment of Mamikos, assessing the effectiveness of their mentorship culture has become second nature. The bedrock of this evaluation process is the regular solicitation of feedback. At predefined intervals, surveys are systematically administered, inviting participants to share their thoughts, insights, and suggestions. This candid feedback serves as an invaluable compass, guiding the program’s stewards towards a deeper understanding of its impact.

This feedback loop has played a transformative role in the ongoing development of the program. It’s not just about gathering data; it’s about listening, learning, and taking meaningful action. The insights gleaned from these surveys have empowered Giga and his team to fine-tune the program’s structure and content, ensuring that it stays in step with the changing dynamics of the organization.

Mentoring EM x Frontend

Impact: Nurturing Excellence and Fostering Bonding

One of the most remarkable aspects of Mamikos’ mentorship program is the tangible impact it has had on both individuals and the organization as a whole. The success stories and positive outcomes are nothing short of inspiring.

  • Automation Testing Success: One of the early successes of the mentorship program was the remarkable improvement in automation testing coverage. Through mentoring, participants not only met but exceeded their targets. This success highlights the effectiveness of the program in achieving concrete results that benefit the organization.
  • Enhanced Bonding: Mentorship goes beyond just enhancing technical skills; it also fosters a sense of bonding among team members. As participants engage in mentoring sessions, they not only learn but also develop stronger connections with their colleagues. It’s a testament to the program’s role in creating a more tightly-knit and collaborative work environment.
  • Communication and Knowledge Sharing: The impact extends to better communication and knowledge sharing within the organization. With mentors and mentees actively participating, there are fewer roadblocks, and more open lines of communication. The knowledge gained through mentorship is readily shared with the broader team, leading to an environment of continuous learning.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: For individual participants, the mentorship program has been a vehicle for personal and professional growth. Team members have expanded their skills, learned from experts within the organization, and improved their overall competencies. This growth has not only benefitted them but has also added significant value to the organization.
Mentoring QA

The Future of Mamikos’ Mentorship

Giga envisions a future where mentorship at Mamikos thrives, not because it’s mandatory, but because team members genuinely believe in the benefits it brings. It’s not just about skill development; it’s about gaining knowledge, experiences, and building stronger bonds. What used to be a chore is now seen as an exciting and essential part of their journey.

In this future, mentorship is eagerly embraced as an opportunity for growth and learning. It’s a culture where sharing insights and support happens naturally, creating a sense of unity and shared success. Team members willingly engage in mentorship, not because they have to, but because they see it as a pathway to personal and professional development

Mentoring Backend x Data

Lessons and Advice from Giga

Giga shines a spotlight on a valuable lesson that we can all learn from: exceptional talent doesn’t always originate from external sources. It’s a powerful testament to the fact that, within our very own organization, there often lies a wellspring of brilliant talent that we may not fully recognize or utilize.

The essence of this lesson is the recognition of the wealth of skills, expertise, and experiences that our colleagues and team members bring to the table. Instead of persistently seeking external solutions, we must pause to acknowledge and harness the extraordinary abilities that reside within our ranks. It’s about looking inward before looking outward.

The benefits of this internal approach are nothing short of immense. It’s inherently more cost-efficient, ensuring that we make the most of the resources already at our disposal. Furthermore, this approach proves to be exceptionally effective. Drawing on the collective wisdom and capabilities of our internal talent pool can lead to innovative and tailored solutions that external entities may not be able to offer. This process of internal skill cultivation nurtures a culture of mutual support, collaboration, and shared success. The bonds formed within the organization through this approach are often stronger and more enduring, leading to a thriving environment for personal and professional development.


Mamikos’ mentorship culture exemplifies that mentorship is a journey worth embarking upon. It’s a testament to the organization’s commitment to learning and growth. As the Mamikos family continues to thrive, it’s evident that mentorship will remain a driving force in their success.



Inside Mamikos
Inside Mamikos

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