And how travelers can make use of them in the future

Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify
7 min readApr 15, 2020


Slow, mindful traveling will be the new traveling.

COVID-19 is something that will change our lives, forever. In a way, there is no way back to the world we once knew, but rather a new beginning lined up in front of us. A beginning that we can decide to take on with new values and with great learnings from the past.

For a society as a whole, this global standstill is offering us an opportunity to reflect, to learn and to change for the better. Believe it or not, the realizations and positive habits that we form now will be the foundations for our future. That is why, this week, we wanted to focus on the positive effects that the corona crisis is having in our world, and share with you the harsh — but very important — lessons that it has already taught us.


There is one thing our society has grasped during this global corona crisis: regardless of our culture, religion, occupation or financial situation — we are all humans. It doesn’t matter how famous or how great we think we are, this disease treats us all equally. We have learned that, once the ego is set aside, we are all in the same boat and we are all connected. Whatever affects ‘you’ can and will have a direct effect on ‘me’. Whatever happens on the other side of the world can and will impact the rest of it. We have realized that, when it comes to a virus like COVID-19, borders don’t really matter. This pandemic doesn’t know of passports, it only knows of one big mass of equals: humans. And this is exactly what we all are now, slowly but steadily, finally understanding as well.

For the travelers of the future, this means: keep on traveling, but do it more mindfully. Traveling brings us closer to experiences and people we would otherwise never have come across. Therefore, keep on exploring the world, but remember to deeply connect with the countries, customs and local communities you are visiting. The more you do so, the more you’ll understand that, regardless of age, ethnicity, background or name, we are all equal.


This pandemic is reminding us to value and to be grateful for the essentials. Water, food, health, love, freedom, and all the important things that we so often take for granted. In a way, it is brutally showing us how materialistic our society has become and how, when confronted with difficult times, we remember that it’s the fundamental things that we most need as opposed to the luxuries that we often give value to. In the first line, it is reminding us of the importance of being healthy. Eating right, moving and neutering our bodies, breathing in fresh air, practicing mindfulness… Thanks to corona, we are all finally comprehending that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is, and will always be, our biggest asset for the future.

For world explorers and adventurers, this is also of big importance. Even when we are on the road, we should make an effort to maintain a healthy routine. Eating fresh and wholesome ingredients, calming down our mind after a hectic travel day or simply moving our bodies instead of laying at the beach. And don’t forget: it’s usually the little details that make our experience an unforgettable one, so be grateful for them!

“Let’s focus on truly savoring the little moments”


This crisis is also reminding us of how important it is to slow down and how most of us have neglected the importance of mindfulness practices in the past. Our fast-paced society is always teaching us to move quickly, to aim high, and to strive for efficiency. But what if the magic of life didn’t necessarily lie in achieving as many things as possible, but rather in enjoying every step of those accomplishments — as fully and as genuinely as we can? In other words: being present. Not only when reaching your goals, but always. Be present when you spend time with yourself. Be present when you are talking to your friends. Be present when you set aside time for your family. Because, if there is one thing that these unprecedented times have taught all of us already, is to value the people that are closest to our hearts and to appreciate the beautiful moments we are able to share with them.

For the travel community of tomorrow, it is important to encourage the ‘slow traveling’. Let’s focus on truly savoring the little moments and make the most out of the places and cultures we visit, instead of rushing from one city to the next one. Truth is: the more present and connected we are while traveling, the greater will our personal outcome of the journey be.


Another thing that this global crisis is reminding us of, is that we all have the power of free will in our hands. We can either choose to cooperate and help each other, to share and give, to change, to support; or, we can choose to be selfish, hoard goods, close our eyes in front of injustices, and ignore the suffering of others. As already shown, only by working together and uniting our strengths, we can succeed. During these challenging times, COVID-19 has brutally shown us that our true work as human beings, is to give our best to look after each other, protect each other and be of benefit to each other. In short: to help the people around us.

For the adventure seekers of the future: remember the importance of cooperation! Maybe it is time to not only travel for leisure, but to travel having in mind the bigger picture. Try to fly to third world countries and help the less privileged, contribute to local businesses, donate money to a NGO, or participate in a volunteer program! It’s time to see traveling not only as an opportunity to discover the world, but to change our world for the better.


Finally, what the corona crisis has taught us is that how we react to a certain situation is crucial. We can either choose to be calm and patient, or we can choose to panic and, consequently, cause ourselves more harm than good. Going even further, it is reminding us that any challenge we are confronted with, can be seen as an end or as a new beginning. The only difference is our point of view. For instance, this pandemic can either be seen as a horrifying tragedy or perceived as an opportunity to reflect, understand and learn. One thing is clear: depending on which of these sides we decide to focus our attention on, will certainly affect how much we grow from it.

Future travelers: there is always a chance that we bump into complications or challenges on our journeys. Traveling is not always easy, but that’s okay. Breathe, accept the facts, and maintain a positive mindset. At the end of the day, we can’t really change what has happened to us, but we can shift our perspective in order to stay calm and solve the problem as best as we can!

It’s time to see traveling as an opportunity to change our world for the better.

For now, these are 5 lessons that this crisis has taught us already. And even though COVID-19 might be a bitter teacher, his harsh lessons might bring us more together as a society, and hopefully, provoke an important change in our future.

So let’s all of us take these important lessons seriously, and try our best to be more present, more mindful and more grateful — not only now, but always. And even if the one thing that we can’t stop thinking about is to get out, hug friends again, or take a plane into a faraway country, we should remember that all those moments will come back soon. For now, it is time for caring for others, valuing the essentials, focusing on living slowly, cooperating as much as we can and shifting our perspective for the better.

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Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify

An intuitive digital nomad. Going wherever the wind takes me and working on exciting projects along the way. #momentsthatmatter