Here are the 3 lessons I learned during my first year at Mapify.

Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify
5 min readMar 4, 2020


It’s been one year since I started working at Mapify. Truth be told, the time has flown by — but that’s what happens when you’re constantly on the move.

March 4th, 2019 marked my first day as part of the Mapify team — as a remote worker! When I think back on how everything began, the story still feels quite bizarre, but in the most beautiful way.

Here is a little backstory: Barcelona content was needed at Mapify at the end of 2018. The team behind the app was playing around with new ideas — as they always do — when somehow the CEO of Mapify, Patrick, discovered a very extensive guide I had created of my home town, Barcelona. It had restaurants and markets and lookouts and festivals and cafes… everything you needed to know for a perfect local trip to the Catalan city was there!

He called me and pitched to me the idea of how to use my knowledge of Barcelona for a Mapify project that he had in mind. Sooner than I could even realize, I was readjusting my whole “Secret Spots” Guide to fit into the app. Funny enough, that project never really went public, but a bond with Mapify was created. I got an insight into the wonderful team, the work atmosphere and the fast-paced startup mentality inside the company. I got hooked.

I could really see myself working there, long-term!

It all made so much sense in my head: My passion was traveling. My mission, I was sure, was to help and inspire others to discover the wonders of this world. Adventuring in foreign countries, meeting interesting people, getting involved in new cultures… I wanted everyone to become a passionate traveler as well!

So, why not work for a company that does exactly that?

I could really see myself working at Mapify, long-term!

“To enable the world to experience the world” — this is Mapify’s vision. It felt like a pretty accurate description of my own personal goal, to be honest.

It didn’t take me long to request that I be part of the team in a more permanent way. I was sure that my past experience, my talents and my love for traveling would be a great asset for the company. A few days later, it happened — I was in!

Fast forward to today, I have been a so-called ‘digital nomad’ for the last year and have lived in 5 different countries since I started working at Mapify. In short: I work remotely for the company, which means that I take my work with me anywhere I go. I schedule meetings, fulfill my responsibilities and work on projects with my colleagues — all online.

Working remotely is something I have always wanted and it had been a goal of mine from the moment I graduated university. Little did I know that the opportunity would come so early in my career and that the set-up and organization of it would work out smoother and better than I could have ever imagined.

Being a “digital nomad” is a lifestyle on its own, and as freeing and fulfilling as it is, it also comes with big challenges and lessons. After a whole year working remotely at Mapify, there are several things I have learned from it. Here is an overview of my top 3 lessons:


Modern technology makes working remotely possible. Video calls, screen sharing, real-time tracking systems, collaborative editing programs…all wonderful! But, as great as they can be, they are not meant to replace direct one to one communication. When you are a remote worker, it is you that works from the distance, so it is also your own responsibility to keep your team updated about your movements — or your doubts! If something wasn’t completely clear, communicate that with your team. If something is not working or a question comes up, ask your colleagues. If something was finished quicker than expected, indicate it. If you have concerns, share them! When working remotely, communicating your thoughts (sometimes even over-communicating them!) is your best ally for success.


For better or for worse, when you work remotely no one can directly see how you execute your tasks. Your co-workers don’t sit next to you, which means that your output and your performance will be the indicators for them to evaluate your job. Therefore, let your achievements and actions speak for you! If you truly appreciate and value this lifestyle, work harder than you might usually do, make sure to be consistent and flexible when they need you to be, and try to be as proactive as possible regarding new projects or important responsibilities. It will pay off!


The biggest challenge of being a remote worker is, ironically, the fact that you are not in the office. Most of the time, you will find yourself working from home, from a café or (if you are lucky) from a co-working space. Problem is: humans are social creatures. Being surrounded by colleagues, especially if you can connect with them on a personal level, motivates you and uplifts you in so many ways. In order to not get caught up in a feeling of loneliness or disconnection when you are working remotely, you need to find other ways to nurture these relationships. Use quick video-calls instead of chats, start meetings with a bit small talk, show your managers how much you care for the company, make an effort to participate in important company events… and, I can never say this enough, communicate as much as you can! Your co-workers aren’t fortune tellers, so if there is something in your mind or you feel left out, make sure to express those feelings in order to solve them together.

Find new ways to nurture work relationships from the distance.

I hope that in sharing my experience I can help even one person gain confidence to start their journey, and others already in this type of work to solidify their assertion in their work and form healthier work habits — wherever your passports may lead you!

And finally, to commemorate my year at Mapify, I will leave it with:

To many more years, happy customers, genuine smiles and success stories to come!

. . .

If you are interested in working for Mapify, don’t hesitate to check out our career page, where you can find all important details to the available positions.

If you are looking for travel inspiration, have a look at our Instagram page, our website or app.



Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify

An intuitive digital nomad. Going wherever the wind takes me and working on exciting projects along the way. #momentsthatmatter