“What I have learned so far and what I love most about this job”

Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify
6 min readJun 18, 2020


There are so many people dreaming about the travel-influencer lifestyle. The luxury hotels, the constant beautiful places, the astonishing pictures you get taken in landscapes that seem out of this world, the traveling for free… but how does one become a travel influencer? What are the perks and disadvantages of it? How does traveling itself become different once you see it as work, instead of entirely as leisure?

To answer all of these questions we got on a call with the incredible Jana, a traveler who has long been in the industry and has already learned quite some interesting lessons out of it. We hope you enjoy the interview and get the information you need to know if this lifestyle is made for you!

Hey Jana! First of all, thank you for being here with us! Could you please introduce yourself to the Mapify readers?

Hi Guys, my name is Jana I am 31 years old and born at the North Sea coast of Germany. I did my Ph.D. in Chemistry at the LMU Munich and I have a deep passion for photography and traveling.

Which would you say are your 3 main passions in life, and why?

Mhhh… I would say photography, freediving, and traveling. Since I was a little kid I loved taking pictures of my friends and nature. I remember exactly how I saved my first allowance for a disposable camera — and not for candy and sticker albums like the other kids at school! My father was a marine diver and since as long as I can remember I have always gone diving with him. At the age of 6, I went scuba diving for the first time, but my big passion was still free diving.

Do you remember how your devotion for traveling started — was it something you grew up with or did it come at a rather later stage of your life?

As a child, I traveled a lot within Europe with my parents and always found it fascinating. However, during my studies of chemistry, I was drawn further and further away. I completed part of my studies in Australia at the University of Melbourne and in California at the University of Berkeley. I have always found it super fascinating to dive into foreign cultures, and that is why I have continued traveling even more and more!

At which point and how did traveling transition from being a passion to become your job?

During my time as a Ph.D. student, I traveled with my boyfriend Jeffrey to foreign countries we both hadn’t been to before. During this time, we took a lot of travel pictures together and that is how my Instagram profile got created. Until one year ago I never would have expected to make a living out of this, but I have to say that it was secretly a dream of mine. Now, it all just came to life and, especially since I founded a startup together with Jeffrey, it has become an even better side job for both of us!

In which ways would you say the way your travel has changed by being a travel influencer?

This is a good question. I travel a lot, but obviously a good portion of this time is considered work for me. I feel like one should not underestimate the effort behind the pictures that I post on Instagram or on my website. Especially when it comes to content for hotels it is a lot of time-effort that I put in, which is something that has changed the dynamic of how I travel now compared to how I used to travel a few years back in time. I have to admit that sometimes I’m a bit perfectionist and stress myself too much to create the perfect picture. Depending on the time frame and the program of the press trip that I am on, it can be anywhere between 3–4 hours a day creating content. Thus, in my private holidays, I try to limit myself to taking photos only for sunrise and sunset, and fully enjoy the rest of the day!

What are the three lessons you have learned from becoming a freelancer and being able to discover the world freely?

Let’s go with this: Never try to force anything, and remember to be patient! Stay creative and try to find your own way and style. Because uniqueness is really the key. And stay true to yourself and your style.

That’s so true! And, tell me, what is it that you most like about this adventurous lifestyle of yours?

What I especially love about being independent is the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. I once met a girl in a bar and she told me that she was in Munich only for a few months and didn’t know where she was going to go next, because she’s a freelancer and can work from anywhere. I remember like it was yesterday how I envied her for her life. And now, after some time, I also have the same opportunity. I would never have thought it could be possible, but it always turns out differently than you think anyway, right?

Yes, it does! I am sure you must get this asked all the time… but, if you are constantly on the road, what are the things that you most appreciate when you come back home?

I actually always miss my routine after only a few days. But as soon as the routine is back, I wish I was on holiday again (laughs). But most of all I miss my friends and family when I am on the road, so I guess that is what I appreciate most when arriving in Germany again.

That’s sweet. Now to a more current issue: how is this crisis affecting your work and in which ways are you reacting to it?

Of course, it is especially difficult as a travel blogger in the current situation, but over the years I have had other great long-term projects and partnerships besides travel projects. Thanks to this, I can focus on other things that are not only focused on traveling, and I am very thankful for this! My startup is also doing really well, which is something I could not be more proud of!

As a final question…which country, trip, or experience has most changed you as a person?

Australia! I love this country, the people, the laid back mentality, and the work-life balance there! Besides my studies, I made a long road trip through the country, revived my passion for photography, and met so many new, interesting people that eventually became friends for life!

Any final comment, thought or quote you want to share with the Mapify community?

Do more what makes you happy ❤



Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify

An intuitive digital nomad. Going wherever the wind takes me and working on exciting projects along the way. #momentsthatmatter