An interview with Mapifier Fabian Dieterich.

Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify
4 min readNov 12, 2019


Hey Fabian! Tell us a bit about yourself :)

Hey, I´m Fabian, 22 years old, born and raised in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart. I´m still at University and have a big weakness for nature and architecture. In my free time, if I´m not traveling, studying or sleeping, you will find me doing some sort of sport. Playing football, running and mountain biking are some of my favorite things to do.

Fabian in his habitat: nature!

When did you start traveling and what is the thing that captivates you the most about it?

I started traveling when I was pretty young. I´m very glad that my parents showed me the benefits of living „free“ when I was a kid. I think my first big journey was at the age of 8 to the USA. I immediately fell in love with this country, especially with the national parks and the diversity of all the different states.

What captivates me the most about traveling?! That’s easy! I love to see the different landscapes all across the world. I feel like I experience something special at every new place and each trip I do— doesn’t matter if it’s a weekend trip to the alps or a long road trip — inspires me differently.

Tell us a special travel moment!

To me, all my memories are special! I guess the moments I love most, are the random coincidences that happen along the way. Like that time I made really good friends on my way up to Angels Landing in Zion. There was a couple from Texas hiking in front of me and we started randomly chatting. They asked me where I was from, cause apparently, I sounded like I was from Wisconsin. When I told them I was from Stuttgart, the girl turned around and said she made a semester abroad in Stuttgart when she was studying! They became really good friends of mine and this moment always reminds me how crazy life can be. I bet all of you must have a similar travel story. The world is a small place!

“To me, all memories are special!”

How long have you been using Mapify for and have you ever gone on a trip inspired by our platform?

I use Mapify for about half a year now and thanks to Mapify I checked out a few cool spots on my latest trip to California. They were great! Through the app, I have also discovered some really inspiring places and I am sure I will visit them soon. Also, I got motivated to do a journal with local places for Stuttgart, so tourists that come to visit my hometown can see tips from a local.

Who told you about Mapify and why did you decide to create an account?

Let me think…I am pretty sure it was an article on Maclife or Macworld. The design of the app looked neat and well designed. I am very happy to have discovered it and to be able to see how the app is evolving. The reason I decided to create an account? Apart from getting real and precise travel inspo, I want to share places that are special to me and for that matter could also become special to other people out there.

What makes it special to share your trips and secret travel spots on the Mapify app?

It makes me proud to see people enjoying the same spots I enjoy and to be able to share them not only with my friends but with people all over the world! Sharing is caring, right? I feel like this simple concept is something people in real life often forget to do, but that is so crucial to be happy. Honestly, giving travel recommendations to others doesn’t make a place less magical — it actually makes it more special!

One of Fabian’s secret spots.

What makes the Mapify community so unique and what value do you extract from being part of the MapiFamily?

The many different people that use the app makes Mapify not only an online community but more so a family: the Mapifamily! Where each of us gives their little something to the bigger picture. That‘s what I like about Mapify and what other communities or brands don‘t have. The value I extract is to get in touch with as many people as possible, learn from them, discover their local and secret spots and eventually meet them in real life or even become friends.

Which one of the app’s features is the one that you use the most and why?

I really like the journaling feature. I love seeing all the travel spots of a certain trip I did in order. Also, the possibility to add your own twist to it makes it very personal and authentic. Also, I just started to use the trip-feature and it’s awesome! It´s a game-changer!!!

Any final note words for the Mapifiers out there?

Sure! Two things:

  • If you ever plan to visit Stuttgart, hit me up!
  • Keep on sharing and let the MapiFamily grow.

Thanks, Fabian, for the great interview and thank you even more, for being part of Mapify! Check him out under:

Mapify: @fabiandtrch

Instagram: @fabiandtrch



Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify

An intuitive digital nomad. Going wherever the wind takes me and working on exciting projects along the way. #momentsthatmatter