Meet the MapiFamily: Carolina

Not long ago, Carolina, one of our most truest Mapifiers, won an amazing trip experience thanks to Mapify and N26. Where do you think the adventure took her? Keep on reading to find out!

Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify
5 min readNov 21, 2019


Hello! First of all, tell us a bit about yourself and your hobbies :)

Mapifier Carolina

Hey everyone!

My name is Carolina, I am 23 years old and I got a bachelor degree in Arts and New Media in Milan where I’m living. Currently, I’m working in photography and social media. Since I was young I traveled the world with my parents and… you know what? I was only one year old when I went on on my first inter-continental trip! So I guess that travel, as well as photography, are my essentials in life. Besides this, I’m into climbing, hiking and meditation.

Since when have you been using Mapify and how did you hear about the app in the first place?

I’m using Mapify since the end of 2017…so since the beginning, really. I think I was following someone on Instagram that shared his trip on Mapify. As I am a passionate traveler, I downloaded the app immediately and fell in love with the concept.

As we all know, you recently won a 3 week-trip with Mapify and N26! What made you want to participate in the competition and what did you have to do?

I love meeting new people, seeing new places and getting to know different cultures. So I said to myself “Caro, you won’t lose anything, so why don’t you just participate?” I had to simply like some pages, share it on Instagram stories and then the destiny did its magic! After a few months, Tobi sent me THAT email that would change everything, and I just couldn’t believe it!

Suddenly, Carolina got an email that would make a wonderful adventure possible!

Tell us about your trip. To which countries did you go to and how was your overall experience? Any highlights you want to share with the community?

So my first choice was to plan a trip with my family in Asia as when I was young, but it wasn’t that easy to organize it. I decided to do a trip with my friend Felix instead, and adventure to a completely new place for me: South America. One thing I knew for sure: I wanted to visit the salt desert Uyuni and go to Patagonia. So in the end, we booked our flights to Chile and went up north, where the wild part of the trip began.

We rented a car for a week and drove all over San Pedro de Atacama desert, we visited almost all the incredible spots, like Lagunas Escondidas de Baltinache. This part of Chile is fascinating! It is so hot and sunny during the day; and cold with a clear blue sky during the night… in fact, stargazing there is amazing!

After this week we went to Bolivia. We visited so many magic places! For instance, Laguna Colorada, which is a very big, red laguna filled with flamingos. And of course: Uyuni salt desert. I think it’s the most touristic highlight in Bolivia, but you have to be there to understand why it’s so famous. I loved it!

In the end, we spent 2 more weeks in Patagonia. Here we went to the famous national park Torres del Paine and we did a 150km circuit in only 7 days! It was really tough…we hiked for 8–10 hours, with a big backpack and on snow terrain. But honestly, if I had an opportunity to do it again, I would go for it right away. The nature was one of the best I have seen in my life!

Her friend Felix, hiking in the snow in Patagonia!

Do you enjoy travel photography?

Yes! Travel and photography is the best combo for me, I love to catch the little moments on the way and try to document the whole trip to tell a story. For me, travel photography is much more than just trying to take the perfect shot of a popular spot. It’s like a way of transmitting my feelings of that exact moment into a picture.

Did you take pictures for the MapiFamily along the way and are you planning to post the trip on your account to inspire others?

Yeah, sure! I took a lot of pictures for the MapiFamily- maybe even a bit too many haha. I’m currently editing them, so I’ll share them on my Mapify account very soon and hopefully inspire people to take a flight there as well.

“For me, travel photography is much more than just trying to take the perfect shot. It’s about a feeling”

In your eyes, what makes the concept of Mapify so special?

I fell in love with Mapify since the beginning because it was the only place where I could share all my trips, create and plan my next travels, share my own opinion with the community, play around with a world map full of amazing spots, get travel inspiration and exact information about where to find the places I want to see… and so much more — all in one single app!

What are the features of the Mapify app that you use most when you are on the road? And when you are back home?

During my trip, I always have a look at the Mapify app in order to find some cool spots and“secret” places. From restaurants to secluded beaches… I have found so many hidden gems thanks to Mapify.

When I’m back home, I always use it to upload the trips I have just been on and to find inspiration for my next ones.

Would you like to know where this spot is? Download the Mapify app to find out!

What do you think about N26 and could you recommend it to others?

N26 I think is the perfect online bank for travelers. The app is so easy to understand and everything is very clear. You can easily use their innovative functions to save money for your next trip and even get advantages during the trip, like insurance. This way it’s way easier to travel :)

Any final thoughts you want to share?

I want to say THANK YOU for this once in a lifetime opportunity. I’m so grateful!

Click here to check out Carolina on Mapify and on Instagram!



Lis Kanzler
Inside Mapify

An intuitive digital nomad. Going wherever the wind takes me and working on exciting projects along the way. #momentsthatmatter