Follower notifications

Coub Insider
Coub Insider
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2015


Let’s talk about the notifications system.

We decided to separate the notifications about followers from the notifications about likes and recoubs. Previously, if you were getting a lot of followers, you could miss a lot of your like and recoub notifications. Or, if you were getting a lot of like and recoub notifications, you might miss the fact that one of your Facebook friends had joined Coub. Now these notifications sit comfortably in separate drop-downs, so your follower notifications now look like this:

Another cool thing about the followers drop-down is this: it’ll place notifications about users and channels you like at the top. For example, if there’s a channel that you really like and they’ve just followed you, you’ll be notified that they followed you back.

You can also click on a drop-down to see notifications for specific channels. This is really convenient for users who have a lot of channels. Below the notifications about new followers you can see some suggestions about who to follow. These are chosen according to who your mutual followers and friends follow.

