How to Format a String Based on a User’s Language

Marcus Lyons
Inside Business Insider
2 min readMay 6, 2022


Photo by Tyler Prahm on Unsplash

Users expect to see numbers and dates formatted in a familiar way.

For example, in American English currency is formatted like 100.00. In German and many other languages, it’s formatted like 100,00.

Not everyone formats numbers and dates like American users. At a global company like Insider, we need to ensure we present these values as all users see them in their everyday lives.

Unfortunately, internationalization tends to get pushed for other priorities. I made this error myself when rewriting a stock ticker for our Markets Insider site and only became aware of it when our colleagues in Germany pointed out my mistake.

That exchange went a little something like this:

Me: “We’ve looked into this reported alignment issue and can’t reproduce it.”
Them: “I can reproduce it on production right now.”
Me: “I’m looking at production, I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
Them: “Are you looking at it in German?”
Me: “Well, no. I can’t read German.”

Mistakes happen, but as long as we learn and help others, we can grow from them.

Internationalization should be the default

We don’t always consider internationalization for many reasons as developers, but most of what I’ve seen boils down to time and perceived complexity. We’re typically on a deadline, so we need to get things shipped. It’s also not easy to think about another language if you spend your time in only one language, so it can be intimidating to think about implementing.

Thanks to advances in modern web browsers, we can quickly accomplish this.

Let’s see how we can format a number, like currency, with a built-in browser API.

Get the user’s language with the Navigator API

The Navigator API has many more features than just getting the preferred language; here’s a link to learn more about this on MDN.

const language = navigator.language; // us-eng

Use their preferred language to format the string

const language = navigator.language; // us-eng
const relativeValue = 100000;
const relativeString = relativeValue.toLocaleString(language);
console.log(relativeString) // 100,000

Additional Configuration Options

With toLocaleString, we also have some additional configurations.

When formatting currency or something with decimal places we can pass in maximumFractionDigits to specify how many digits to display, or minimumFractionDigits to force a decimal even when working with a whole number.

const language = navigator.language; // us-engconst relativeValue = 100000.98332;const relativeString = relativeValue.toLocaleString( language, { maximumFractionDigits: 2 });console.log(relativeString) // 100,000.98

Putting it all together

In summary, we learned how to format strings based on a user's language by:

  • Getting the user’s language
  • Passing their language to toLocaleString
  • Using the formatted string

