Meet Rachel Furst

Inside Business Insider Blog
Inside Business Insider


Hello! My name is Rachel Furst and I’m a Group Product Manager at Insider, where I’ve worked for 3 years. I sit on the Engagement Team.

What does your team do? What do you like or find interesting about your team?

The Engagement Team focuses on user experience for Insider, Business Insider and Markets Insider. Our team’s purpose is to answer the question: how can we better serve our users and engage them more?

One of our mottos is “get better everyday”. What is something that you got better at recently?

Something I’ve tried to get better at is digesting information before reacting to it. I recently went through a challenging quarter where I felt overwhelmed by a lot of the work coming my way. I realized that I was reacting way too quickly to new information, instead of taking a moment to breathe, comprehend the changes being made and then calmly adapting. I’ve found that identifying this behavior and changing it has helped me be more effective at my job and has allowed me to accomplish more!

What are you most proud of having accomplished at Insider?

Building the Exceptional Storytelling product!

If all animals were the same size, what animal do you think would win in a fight?


What is something you could teach us in 5 minutes?

Fun facts about Floridian manatees.

If you could instantly master 3 skills, which would you choose?

Negotiation, interior design and “big talk” (the opposite of small talk)

