7 ways to stay motivated on your weight loss journey, according to a dietitian

Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2021

To stay motivated to lose weight, set SMART goals, adjust your environment, keep a food diary, and be willing to forgive yourself.

Two friends work out together.
Finding a friend to workout with is one of the best ways to stay motivated to lose weight. Getty Images

By Erin Heger

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may experience common challenges, like slow progression or a weight loss plateau. But staying committed will pay off in the long run.

The best way to stay motivated will vary depending on the reasons you want to lose weight. You should always consult a doctor before beginning any weight loss plan to determine if losing weight is right for you and your own health needs.

Here are seven ways to stay motivated when trying to lose weight:

1. Set SMART goals

Setting goals is crucial for weight loss, says Sydney Spiewak, a registered dietitian and nutritionist at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut.

Research shows having small targets to aim for leads to greater long-term weight loss than trying to lose weight without setting goals.

Using the SMART method can help you set goals that are attainable and allow you to track your progress. SMART stands for:

  • Specific. Avoid setting goals that are too vague. For example, try “I will increase my physical activity by 20 minutes each day” instead of “I will exercise more.”
  • Measurable. Set goals that you can easily track, like increasing the number of minutes you exercise or how many steps you take.
  • Attainable. Focus on setting achievable goals and expand from there. For example, if you’d like to work up to an hour a day of exercise, but are currently unable to do so, start with a more realistic goal like 20 minutes a day. Then, gradually increase your workout length as you build endurance.
  • Relevant. Make sure each goal ties directly to your overall desire to lose weight. For example, increasing exercise is relevant to weight loss, but setting screen time limits is less so.
  • Time-bound. Give yourself a deadline for each goal. This holds you accountable and helps measure progress. For example, you could plan to re-evaluate your physical activity each month, look at your progress, and set a new goal of increasing your exercise the next month.

2. Find a friend

Losing weight is easier when you have support from others, Spiewak says, especially if you can find a community of people with similar goals. Teaming up with friends or family members who also want to lose weight can help you stay motivated when you’re struggling and allow you to hold each other accountable.

For example, a small 2014 study found social support and weekly accountability meetings were critical for study participants in meeting their weight loss goals and keeping the weight off.

3. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness means tuning into your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, and paying attention to how they affect your actions.

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for establishing healthy habits and making nutritious food choices, Spiewak says. This is because mindfulness encourages us to slow down, acknowledge how we’re feeling, and tune out distractions.

“Think about how your food tastes, how it feels on your tongue, and your favorite part of the food,” Spiewak says. “This will stop you from eating too quickly which will help you not overeat, and this will help you be more present in the moment.”

4. Adjust your environment

Spiewak says it’s crucial that your surroundings help you make healthy choices for weight loss. You can do this by:

  • Stocking your fridge with fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
  • Laying out your workout clothes before going to bed so you are more motivated to work out in the morning.
  • Choosing restaurants with lots of healthy dishes.
  • Preparing a list before grocery shopping. This will help you know exactly what to get and help cut down on impulse buys.

5. Make your workouts fun

Exercise can be challenging. But if you don’t like running, you don’t need to force yourself to do it, Spiewak says.

The best way to exercise is to find a type of workout you like doing and can stick with:

  • If you enjoy dancing, you can find many dance workouts online, like Zumba.
  • If you prefer exercising outdoors, take walks and increase your pace and distance.
  • Don’t be afraid to try out different types of workouts, like yoga or kickboxing, until you find one you enjoy.

6. Consider keeping a food diary

Writing down what you eat helps hold you accountable and makes it clear where you can improve. Keeping a food diary can also help you spot trends or certain triggers that may cause you to veer off course.

In fact, a large 2008 study found keeping a food journal can double a person’s weight loss. In another 2012 study, participants who kept food journals experienced a greater percentage of weight loss than those who did not.

7. Forgive yourself

Losing weight is hard and it’s often not a linear process, Spiewak says. It’s common to experience plateaus or even occasional weight gains.

“Life is not perfect, your weight loss journey will contain setbacks, but it will also contain great triumphs,” Spiewak says. “Reminding yourself that you are human is extremely important.”

It’s crucial to forgive yourself when you experience a setback. An illness or a stressful day at work may cause you to falter — but staying committed to your long-term goals is more important than striving for everyday perfection.

“An all or nothing mindset is detrimental to achieving your goals,” Spiewak says. “There will be times where your nutrition is not perfect. Maybe you didn’t have time to meal prep or maybe it’s your birthday and you want to have a slice of cake. Give yourself the freedom to do so and then get back on the wagon for either the next meal or the next day.”

When to seek professional help

If you’ve been trying to lose weight for a few months and aren’t making much progress, you should reach out to your doctor or a dietitian for help, Spiewak says.

You may have an undiagnosed medical condition that is inhibiting your ability to lose weight or may just need some professional help in setting realistic goals. A doctor or dietitian can also help you determine if losing weight is the right decision for you and your health.

Insider’s takeaway

Losing weight is a journey that presents challenges for nearly everyone. Setting attainable goals, finding a community of support, and forgiving yourself when you experience setbacks can help you stay motivated to reach your weight loss goals.

This article was medically reviewed by Mir Ali, MD, a bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA.

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