What transition looks like for trans youth, from puberty blockers to gender-affirming surgery

Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2021

Treatments like puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, and gender-affirming surgeries are linked to lower rates of anxiety and depression.

Individuals talking.
Anti-trans bills criticize surgeries, but kids under 16 only take hormone blockers, a reversible treatment. Photo: SDI Productions/Getty Images

By Canela López

Lawmakers in 11 states have proposed bills that would ban life-saving care for transgender minors.

These bills, if passed, would prevent trans youth from receiving common medical treatments like puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, and gender-affirming surgeries.

Medical professionals warn these kinds of bans could cause a mental health emergency, as studies show gender-affirming care is linked to lower rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideations for trans youth.

“As you are removing access to medical care, you’re essentially saying ‘we are okay with having these kids be at increased risk for suicide and self-harm and depression and anxiety,’” Dr. Alann Weissman-Ward, Medical Director for Plume, told Insider.

Weissman-Ward says these bills are predicated on a deep misunderstanding of the kind of care trans minors receive to treat gender dysphoria — a deep distress caused by a person’s body and gender not aligning.

Here is what gender-affirming care actually looks like for children through puberty.

What happens when a child comes out as trans before puberty?

There is no “normal” time for a child to come out as trans, as this can depend on family support, school life, and a number of outside factors. However, studies have shown when trans children grow up in supportive households, they can understand their own gender as young as three or four.

After a minor comes out and socially transitions (lives as the gender they are rather than the sex they were assigned), the first medical step is therapy.

Working with a therapist, who specializes in gender identity, can help a child work through any feelings or confusion they’re having around their gender identity and their body.

A misconception many of the proposed trans medical bans are founded on is the idea that children can access physical treatments before they are sure about their gender. According to Weissman-Ward, a child has to be in therapy for at least a year for their gender dysphoria and hit puberty before they can discuss medical intervention.

“An adolescent kid doesn’t even qualify for any medical treatments unless their gender dysphoria has been persistent, consistent, and anxious,” Weissman-Ward told Insider.

What happens when they hit puberty?

After a child is in therapy for at least a year and is approaching the age of puberty, they can discuss their next option.

Weissman-Ward told Insider the next step is usually puberty blockers, which delay puberty temporarily. They are usually prescribed around the ages of 12, 13, or 14 depending on when a child starts puberty.

Puberty can be a very difficult period of time for trans minors, as their bodies change in unwanted ways. The body hair, breast growth, or voice deepening can be traumatic for trans kids and make their gender dysphoria far worse.

Puberty blockers allow medical providers to pause the process and give trans kids more time to think about what they need next, without any side effects in the long term.

If a teen later decides they want to move on to the next step in their process around 16 or 17, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be prescribed.

HRT is an umbrella term for a number of hormones — including estrogen and testosterone. Unlike puberty blockers, HRT can have permanent effects like hair growth and voice deepening.

Weissman-Ward told Insider all of these procedures have to be done alongside therapy, which helps teens process the changes to their body and make adjustments to treatment if something isn’t working for them.

Surgery usually isn’t an option until someone hits 18

Gender-affirming surgeries — which refer to a variety of procedures — are extremely rare for anyone under the age of 18.

This is because doctors want to wait until a person’s body is developed enough to perform these kinds of surgeries.

While all of these procedures are options for trans youth, not all trans people seek gender-affirming care. Some people may seek all of the treatments above — like HRT and surgery — once they hit the appropriate age. Others trans minors seek some of these treatments, and some don’t seek any treatment at all.

Weissman-Ward told Insider the idea that any trans people, especially minors, can easily access hormones is simply false. These bills will only make it more difficult for minors to access life-saving care.

“We already have adults who drive across state lines to access care,” Weissman-Ward said. “You are literally denying access to medical care that’s lifesaving.”

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