5 Highly Working Home Remedies for Malaria

Dinesh Kumar
Insight Human
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2018

Symptoms of malaria include vomiting, fatigue, weakness, fever, headaches, jaundice and convulsions most severely when the infection comes from Plasmodium falciparum.

The seeds of fever nut contain powerful active ingredients that can help to break your fever and boost your immune system. When a fever breaks, it is essentially a first step towards recovery, and fever nut has been helping people survive malaria for hundreds of years.

Here are few best natural remedies which work 100% for malaria.

1.Holy Basil

Basil Leaves

Eugenol is the active ingredient in Holy Basil and is largely responsible for its therapeutic properties helping to eliminate bacterial infections. Holy basil is helpful in malaria fever.

Vitamin C is known as an incredible immune system booster and this has certainly proven true in the treatment of malaria.

Some of the fruits which contain vitamin C are strawberries, oranges, papaya, malaria can also infect the bowels, which is why diarrhea is such a common symptom. So it is important to keep the bowels clean and not provide a new place for the parasite to thrive.

A warm water enema can keep the bowels clean and healthy.

2. Citrus fruits

Variety of Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits in general are often recommended for the treatment of malaria. Limes and lemons are easy to get a hold of and many malaria hotspots.

And the mixture of antioxidant compounds, vitamins and minerals can help eliminate fever prevent the spread of the infection and speed up the healing process.

Mixing a few drops of lime and an entirely squeezed lemon into a glass of water is a popular approach.

Or just take a bite of those tart healthy fruits. One of the best ways to get rid of malaria is to tackle symptoms namely fever headaches and diarrhea.

3. Cinnamon


Cinnamon is a comprehensive remedy as it can help to improve multiple symptoms of the disease. At the same time cinnamon has a powerful organic component.

Cinna Maldehyde, which has anti-inflammatory properties and has been connected to a reduction in malaria’s often violent and painful symptoms.

4. Ginger


A common and popular treatment for malaria is the use of Ginger.

Fortunately Ginger is easy to access particularly in many tropical areas and can be boiled down into a powerful decoction that will boost your immune system and help to speed the recovery process from the infection.

Ginger and its active ingredients- Gingerol and unique hydrocarbons are known for their anti inflammatory and antibacterial activities in the body, making this one of the most effective natural remedies.

5. Grape fruit

Grape Fruit

There is a powerful substance found in Grape Fruit similar to quinine that has been directly linked to neutralizing those malaria inducing parasites you can extract the substance for a concentrated dose or simply add some delicious grapefruit to your daily diet.

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