Approaching Your True Purpose

Ash Jones
Insight Owl
Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2021


How I got closer to my true purpose

How close are you to your true purpose?

I lost my purpose; but it ended up being a good thing, because I discovered a new purpose that was closer to my true purpose.

Something Was Missing…

I was ecstatic when I was living my purpose, building an app to help people connect. I thought it was my true purpose. But as I continued to work on it, I discovered one of the core elements, being able to see the value of connecting people, wasn’t really there from building the app. I couldn’t directly see the magic happen when two people connect.

Another reason is that my purpose was focused on the implementation, not the driving force behind it. The core of my purpose was to build an app to help people connect, not to help people connect. See the difference?

I was focused on the implementation of my purpose instead of the purpose itself.

Approaching My Truer Purpose

My newfound purpose is to help people tell their personal stories to the world. With this new venture, I am able to more directly experience the social aspect of connecting with people. I also get to use another one of my passions, writing, to help people share their stories with the world.



Ash Jones
Insight Owl

Philosopher. Writer. Writing about self-development, focus, eliminating distractions