Discovering Your Purpose
How I discovered my purpose after dropping out of college with no plan
Do you know your purpose in life? I mean, really, truly know your purpose — your heart’s deepest desire?
Before I tell you how I discovered my purpose, let me tell you what lead me there.
Prior to discovering my purpose, I was convinced the traditional school-to-work path was the way to go.
I never thought too hard about it; I did not consider alternatives. The only narrative in my head was ‘academia-is-the-way-to-success’.
I did not know what my purpose was. I did not have one. I never thought about it, actually.
I was too focused on getting to the next step: the next exam, the next grade, the next class, the next school. The crazy thing is I did not even have an end goal in mind. Even crazier, I unconsciously (and wrongly) convinced myself I enjoyed what I was doing.
The truth is, I was constantly suffering in the present moment in hopes of a better future. I was following a narrow, well-defined societal path. I hated what I was doing, but I wasn’t aware I hated what I was doing.