How to Set and Accomplish Goals That Will Change Your Life

Lessons from experience and psychological research

Jonas Ressem


Photo by Luca Huter on Unsplash

As I tied my shoes and headed out the door, I immediately felt my heartbeat rise. I had thought about this goal for six long months, and now the day was here.

I was running my first marathon.

I’ve competed in sports for most of my life, but four years ago I quit. Running hadn’t been a priority for a long time, and other things occupied my mind; psychology, writing, relationships, etc.

But once I made the decision to compete again, all that changed. The world warped itself around my new goal, and I was right back in the running mindset.

Six months later I achieved it.

How did this happen?

Photo by me

“The New Word Effect”

Have you ever learned a new word, and then seen or heard it everywhere? Chances are you have. And that same mechanism plays a role in goal setting.

If you set your goal right, you’ll start to notice things that will help you achieve it. It will literally change your…



Jonas Ressem

From Norway. Building Exploring life through psychology, philosophy and entrepreneurship. Come explore with me: