How to Use Self-Talk to Build a Better Mindset

3 steps you and yourself can follow

Jonas Ressem


©Jonas Ressem

Your mindset largely depends on how you talk to yourself. And the reason it’s so important is because your inner dialogue is the only conversation you can’t walk away from. What’s more, it affects everything you do. As Marcus Aurelius said:

“The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”

Simply, positive self-talk leads to a positive mindset, while negative self-talk leads to a negative mindset. I know how it is.

When I was younger, I used to be a harsh coach. Not when I was coaching the kids in my sports club, but when I was coaching myself. I used to put myself under immense pressure, motivate myself with anger, and criticize myself when I made simple mistakes. While it fueled my performance — to some degree, sometimes — it caused trouble for my overall mindset in life. I wasn’t that happy.

I think it’s a common pattern. Towards others, we’re supportive, kind, and positive. Towards ourselves, we’re often our own worst critic (or worse). And while it isn’t necessarily dameaging once in a while, doing it repeatedly can have serious consequences. Negative self-talk not only affects how you think, but also how you act and feel. And so, it becomes the basis of not…



Jonas Ressem

From Norway. Building Exploring life through psychology, philosophy and entrepreneurship. Come explore with me: