What Is The Tallest Mountain Ever Discovered?

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1 min readJul 31, 2023
By the author.

Have you ever dreamed of climbing a mountain? Like reaching the peak of Mount Everest, one of the tallest mountains on Earth. Or maybe you have even climbed a mountain?

Earth’s Mountains

Mountains on Earth vary. The answer to the tallest mountain, on Earth, is debatable and is different depending on how you define it.

Mauna Kea is the largest from base to peak; compared to Mount Everest in the sense of base to peak it is taller.

However, if you consider it from the highest point above sea level that makes Mount Everest the tallest.

What Is The Largest Mountain?

On Mars, this towering mountain, Olympus Mons, stands proudly at 25 km high (16 miles), almost three times taller than Mount Everest, which is 5.5 miles (8.85 miles).

However, this doesn’t make Olympus Mons the tallest mountain. On an asteroid, Vesta, there is a mountain called Rheasilvia, which is around a mere 315 feet — 96 meters — taller from base to peak.

Thank you for reading. How would you classify how tall a mountain is? Let me know in the comments. Stay tuned until next time.



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