Insight Seminars & Creating a Life You Love

Steps to Personal Transformation

Insight Seminars Team
Insight Seminars
3 min readJul 27, 2018


Intuition does not stem from conscious reasoning, yet it is an authoritative source of knowledge that inspires everyday motivations. An individual’s intuition allows them to connect deeply with others and is often an essential component of strategic decision making. Insight Seminars has been in operation since 1978 and aims to provide individuals with the fundamental tools for self-transformation. Offering a multitude of seminars to help participants live purposefully through the heart, Insight believes that happiness is the result of self-reflection and trusting a higher intuition. Ultimately, individuals have the power to make a positive change and transform their life for the better.

Heart-Centred Mastery

Insight Seminars encourages individuals to make decisions that align with their intuition and core values. Our Seminar series begins with “The Awakening Heart’ seminar which is an uplifting journey to encourage individuals to reach their full potential. Participants work to identify their support networks and gain the courage to step outside of their comfort zone.

Advanced classes such as ‘Knowing the Purpose of the Heart’ allows individuals to immerse themselves in creativity while developing a personal facilitation style. Participants who take advantage of the seminars are able to embrace life’s challenges and form a deeper relationship with themselves and others. Insight Seminars take individuals on a journey of self-discovery in a loving and supportive environment which refrains from confrontation.

Discover New Possibilities

Individuals who partake in one of Insight’s rejuvenating retreats will open up doors to new possibilities. Challenging preconceived beliefs of oneself and the world will allow individuals to conquer limitations. Likewise, by accepting their authentic self, participants will be better prepared to live the life they desire. Individuals have the opportunity to interact with other people who are committed to making a difference in the world and reaching higher levels of self-expression.

Applying Skills to Live at a Higher Level

Insight Seminars are engaging, highly interactive and combine a multitude of exercises to foster positive communication. The seminars include a combination of short presentations, one-to-one exercises, small group activities, and sharing with the facilitators. Individuals who participate in the seminars will develop the confidence to explore new avenues both personally and professionally.

An Uplifting Journey

Insight Seminars are an uplifting journey to awaken the heart and encourage individuals to be the best person they can be. Insight is not interested in changing you, but discovering you! Insight Seminars provides the tools for success and teaches individuals how to apply them in a meaningful way. To select a seminar that best suits your interests visit



Insight Seminars Team
Insight Seminars

Insight offers workshops for kids, teens, and adults to learn how to live more fully from your heart, to create a life you love.