Yakin masih mau jadi Designer? emang masa depannya cerah?

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6 min readAug 25, 2018

Itu adalah pertanyaan saya sekitar 2 tahun yang lalu. Waktu itu saya berpikir apakah melanjutkan profesi sebagai Designer merupakan pilihan yang tepat? Apakah ada potensi Designer tidak lagi dibutuhkan?

Obrolan dengan teman

Suatu hari saya mengirim pesan kepada teman saya dan bertanya mengenai hal tersebut. Berikut percakapan kami…

Saya: Kira-kira masa depan designer gimana ya? apakah kedepannya masih dibutuhkan?

Teman: Aku tanya dulu, menurutmu fungsi design itu apa?

Saya: Solving the problem?

Teman: Itu salah satunya. Tapi ada juga yang lain. Yaitu mencapai tujuan. Design tidak hanya untuk mencari solusi dari suatu masalah. Tapi juga membantu bagaimana mencapai suatu tujuan. Jadi, selama manusia masih memiliki tujuan….

Design Value

Beberapa hari kemudian saya melakukan pencarian di google dengan keyword “future ui ux design jobs”

Dan saya menemukan satu artikel dari Joanna Ngai. Di artikel tersebut dia menampilkan grafik berikut

Sumber: https://uxdesign.cc/three-lessons-for-design-driven-success-df5cd1486ad6

Lalu dia menulis hal berikut:

According to a new analysis by the Design Management Institute concludes that design-driven businesses have outperformed the S&P by a whopping 228% over the past 10 years. The bottom line, good design = good business.

(Source: https://uxdesign.cc/three-lessons-for-design-driven-success-df5cd1486ad6)

Dan juga dia menambahkan kutipan berikut:

[Design-driven companies] outperformed the Standard & Poor’s 500 — a stock market index of 500 large publicly traded companies — by 228%. These companies included Apple, Coca-Cola, Ford, Herman Miller, IBM, Intuit, Newell Rubbermaid, Nike, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, Starwood, Steelcase, Target, Walt Disney, and Whirlpool. All that money these companies put into smoother user experiences, beautiful branding…apparently paid off.
— Carey Dunne, Fastcodesign

(Source: https://uxdesign.cc/three-lessons-for-design-driven-success-df5cd1486ad6)

Dan juga kutipan berikut:

When Walmart revamped its e-commerce experience, unique visitors to its website increased by 200 percent. When Bank of America undertook a user-centered redesign of its process for account registration, online-banking traffic rose by 45 percent.
— Jim Ross, The Business Value of User Experience

(Source: https://uxdesign.cc/three-lessons-for-design-driven-success-df5cd1486ad6)

What’s Next

Setelah mendapat masukan dari teman dan mendapat beberapa data dari internet, sampailah saya pada pertanyaan “Bagaimana design di masa depan? Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh designer agar bisa relevan dengan perkembangan industri?”.

Dan dari hasil pencarian di internet saya menemukan beberapa kutipan menarik…..

Technology is changing UI design. Components, templates and the upcoming Grid are changing the role of designer. Designers that focus on UI are in danger of becoming selectors of color and fonts. How do designers prevent these prospects?

Designers will need to expand their skills. Designers could learn to code, could learn user research, business, or other things. Designers need to be like engineers advancing their knowledge as technology advances. Design is life long learning.

Back to the intro, if designers only stick to guidelines and don’t break rules, they are already limiting their own future.
— Lukasz Lysakowski

(Source: https://medium.com/swlh/will-ui-designers-be-unemployed-soon-edaffe9e5f1b)

As for my future predictions, I think the demand for UX designers will continue to grow, not only in the tech industry, but also in other industries that are in great need of some UX love. I can’t see us moving away from mobile and computer screens in the near future, but I’m excited to see how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, voice commands, augmented reality and virtual reality develop. I think that the future holds exciting times for UX designers. We just need to remember to stay flexible and adaptable and enjoy the ride ahead.
— Adham Dannaway

(Source: https://uxplanet.org/how-do-you-see-the-future-of-ux-design-8654c62c3279)

Designing one-size-fits-all interactions just won’t cut it in the future, and customers will demand interactions that are personal, unique, and immediate. Scrolling through apps and websites to get information into your brain? Aint no body got time for that!
— Andrew Doherty

(Source: https://uxplanet.org/how-do-you-see-the-future-of-ux-design-8654c62c3279)

Technology will blend more seamlessly into the environment. As our world grows more comfortable with AI, AR, voice and connected devices, we’ll design less for pixels or form factors and more for information — where, when and how to present it.

Our tools will change. We won’t build websites or apps in the way we do now. UI might be designed by algorithm instead of in Sketch. We’ll focus on the broader experience instead of an individual touchpoint or product. Design challenges will be less about driving conversions in a hotel booking app, and more about how to help travelers have the best impression of a hotel from planning through checkout.

While the world and our relationship with it may change, the building blocks of human behavior stay the same — attention, trust, fear, habit, etc. With any luck, our process for understanding and designing for these driving factors will be just as impactful as it is today.
— Ben Huggins

(Source: https://uxplanet.org/how-do-you-see-the-future-of-ux-design-8654c62c3279)

Good usability will be the essential requirement for every product. Platform guidelines will mature. And following them will be basic requirements for good design.
— Nick Babich (Source: https://uxplanet.org/how-do-you-see-the-future-of-ux-design-8654c62c3279)

Demand for UX design will expand to innovators tackling the small irritations of daily life — like remembering medication, having to struggle to find your keys to the front door, or choosing one of the 100 programs on your washing machine. Whatever you find frustrating in your everyday life, that’s probably where UX designers will be needed next!
— Andrew Wilshere

(Source: https://trydesignlab.com/blog/where-ux-design-5-years-predictions/)


Design akan selalu dibutuhkan. Tapi yang harus selalu kita pertanyakan adalah designer seperti apa, dengan skill apa yang dibutuhkan oleh industri?.

Awal tahun 2000-an kita mengenal website. Kemudian industri membutuhkan orang orang yang bisa mendesain website.

7 tahun kemudian, di tahun 2007 Apple meluncurkan iPhone, diikuti dengan adanya App Store yang memungkinkan siapa saja untuk membuat aplikasi yang bisa berjalan di sistem operasi iOS. Kemudian industri membutuhkan orang orang yang bisa mendesain aplikasi untuk iOS.

3 tahun setelah Apple meluncurkan iPhone, di tahun 2010 Google meluncurkan Sistem Operasi Android, diikuti dengan adanya Play Store (Google Play) yang memungkinkan siapa saja untuk membuat aplikasi Android. Kemudian industri membutuhkan orang orang yang bisa mendesain aplikasi untuk Android.

Beberapa tahun setelah itu, muncul istilah UI/UX. Mulai saat itu sebuah produk dituntut tidak hanya bagus dalam segi tampilannya. Tapi juga harus mudah untuk dipahami oleh user. Kemudian industri membutuhkan orang orang yang mampu mendesain sebuah produk yang memberikan experience atau pengalaman yang baik kepada user.

Dari tahun ke tahun bisa kita amati bagaimana seorang designer berevolusi. Dari yang tadinya hanya mendesain website, berkembang ke banyak hal.

Sehingga untuk selalu relevan dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan industri satu satu nya hal yang pasti adalah tidak menghentikan proses belajar.

Semoga Bermanfaat :)




Co-Founder Paperpillar • UI Designer • Love to create design exploration on dribbble.com/dwinawan • Have a question? find me on twitter.com/dwinawan_