The Globalist Weekly: 16th March 2020

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3 min readMar 16, 2020

A concise weekly digest of the top readings, content, ideas and discussions from our global bureaux and correspondents at ComplexGlobal

This week we’re following Coronavirus Globally, the Weinstein sentencing and the electoral race in the United States, troops departing Afghanistan, al-Shabbab attacks in Kenya and the civil war continues in Yemen.

U.S. to Suspend Most Travel From Europe

President Trump says restricting travel from Europe is necessary. President Trump announced on Wednesday night that he was taking action to stem the spread of the coronavirus by suspending most travel from Europe to the United States for 30 days, beginning on Friday. The restrictions do not apply to Britain, he said.

Harvey Weinstein sentenced in prison

Harvey Weinstein, the titan of Hollywood turned convicted rapist, has been sentenced to 23 years in prison on Wednesday in New York. The fallen mogul was handed down his punishment by Judge James Burke at the New York supreme court having been convicted of two counts of sexual assault. The judge imposed 20 years for a first-degree criminal sex act for forcing oral sex on a production assistant, Miriam Haley, in 2006.

Joe Biden extends lead over rival Sanders

Joe Biden has cemented his position as front-runner in the Democratic race to take on President Donald Trump in November’s White House election. The former vice-president won Michigan, the biggest prize of primary voting on Tuesday, extending his lead over main rival Senator Bernie Sanders. Five other states — Washington, Missouri, Mississippi, Idaho and North Dakota — voted on Tuesday. Mr Biden also swept aside Mr Sanders in Missouri, Mississippi and Idaho.

US begins withdrawing troops in Afghanistan

The US has started withdrawing troops from Afghanistan as part of a deal with the Taliban aimed at bringing peace to the country. The US agreed to reduce its troops from about 12,000 to 8,600 within 135 days of signing the agreement. Drawing back troops was a condition of the historic peace deal signed by the US and the Taliban on 29 February. The Afghan government did not take part in the deal, but is expected to hold talks with the Taliban.

Schools close in north-east Kenya

A series of targeted killings of school teachers by a militia group in Kenya has seen an exodus of staff and the closure of hundreds of schools across the north-east of the country. Thousands of teachers have left their posts in the past two months following several suspected al-Shabaab attacks in the region.

Inside a dangerously divided ‘city of snipers’

Taiz, in Yemen’s south-west, is home to one of the longest-running battles of the country’s civil war. Known as the city of snipers, Taiz — divided between the Houthi rebels and forces loyal to the government — is constantly under siege. Saudi air-strikes have continued since the start of the war in 2015 and the people of Taiz say they feel forgotten.

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