How to find kick-ass insights with 9gag?

First I thought 9gag is totally waste of time:

Dr. Attila Mihály Kertész
3 min readSep 6, 2016


Then I found out:

But why?

We failed with other tools

We had an assigment in Miami Ad School to create a product launching campaing for Acura’s supercar, NSX.

Acura NSX

My planner partner, Ines and I had two days to come up with an outstanding insight and strategy, but we couldn’t find anything merely insightful till the last day. We even tried Google Consumers Surveys, our secret and supercheap research tool with this question:

Our interpretation of Jon Steel’s famous research on Porsche

But we got only superficial responses. Like “nice solid vehicle”, “pretty nice car”, “damn nice car dude wanna race”, “I think wow”, “nothing”.

So we were struggling and we were running out of time. We had only some hours before we had to brief the creatives. And we had no idea about the insight and strategy.

Buzzfeed for planners?

But we found out on, which is an aggregator site of the best tools for planners, that they mention Buzzfeed as a tool for discovering online culture.

OMG, YES. Awesome resource!

And 9gag is even better.

It’s a gold mine of insights, created by millions of users. It even has +340 million visits per month — more than New York Times.

If you search for “Acura NSX” you can find this:


BUMM! We got it. We had a product insight. The first supercar that was design by a woman.

So what if we targeted women?

We added some cultural and category insights. These were our final slides on insights and strategy:

Michelle Christenen, chief designer of Acura NSX (click to enlarge)

You can check the whole campaign here.


It won’t work on every case, but checking 9gag, Buzzfeed, 4chan and Reddit is a must have tool in a planner’s toolbox.

