
Moral Mediocrity: Should We Be Aiming for Ethical Excellence?

A closer look at being not bad but not good either.

Rachel Beyer


An AI generated photo of people holding a giant gold trophy. The purpose of the photo is to demonstrate people celebrating being number one at morality
AI generated with Adobe Firefly. Created using generative fill and edited with Adobe Express.

Moral standards seem to be slipping, but is moral mediocrity the issue? Picture this: a society where moral character and virtues take a backseat, moral acceptability, and ethical values are shrugged off (kind of like on Reddit), and moral ambitions are ignored. It’s a scenario that leaves us questioning the character gap within our communities.

An example of moral mediocrity is choosing personal gain over the virtues of doing what is right, like a company buying or selling people’s personal information for monetary gain.

The impact of moral mediocrity goes beyond personal growth. When we allow mediocrity to flourish unchecked, we open the door for dishonesty, deceit, and corruption to become the norm. This undermines virtues, moral character, and our ability to be moral agents guided by ethical reasons.

This is similar to the culture we have, where we enable bullies by staying silent. This undermines virtues, moral character, and our ability to be moral agents guided by ethical reasons. Scrutiny becomes an afterthought (or gets morphed into the concept of “cancel culture,”) and our collective moral compass loses its way.

Societal Factors Contributing to Moral Mediocrity

Socialization studies show that it is crucial in developing virtues and character. However, various strategies are necessary to combat the rise of moral mediocrity and rigid socialization. One factor that hinders the development of moral character is the inability to evolve from outdated traditional values and principles.

“We aim to be morally on par with our peers, not much worse or much better. And the implication is that moral reasons don’t explain as much of our behavior as we want to believe.” (Licon 2020)

This quote is relevant because it highlights a reason for staying stuck in outdated positions: being afraid to take the first step toward change. After all, others around you might not be taking any. Virtues and moral reasons are essential for personal growth and societal progress. As societal norms evolve and change over time, studies have shown that what was once considered morally right may now be irrelevant.

It is important to pause and reflect on the character of our actions and aim to align them with the present values. This sudden shift can lead to confusion for some and a lack of clear moral guidelines.

Another contributing factor is the emphasis on individual success and self-interest. In today’s world, there is often a focus on personal achievement at any cost. This character mindset can overshadow ethical considerations, leading individuals to prioritize their needs above moral obligations.

On the other hand, if it is not in the name of personal achievement, it is in the name of financial freedom. Let’s not forget the growing socioeconomic stressors that actively divide and fuel this hyper-independent society.

Influence of Media and Popular Culture on Shaping Moral Values

AI generated photo of a girl taking a selfie
AI generated with Adobe Firefly. Created using generative fill and edited with Adobe Express.

Personal achievements or projects and the new wave of micro-influencing significantly shape our character, beliefs, attitudes, and values. Pop culture and media outlets increasingly cover and boost online influencers, and that lifestyle’s illustrious reward feels like it’s right at our fingertips. It is, but only on our phones and not when we look back up.

Unfortunately for random people on the street, online fame contributes to moral mediocrity by promoting questionable behavior or presenting distorted views of morality. For example, TikTokers or YouTubers who film themselves playing harmful pranks on others or glamorize unethical actions but still succeed.

Moreover, social media platforms have become powerful influencers in shaping societal norms. The constant exposure to curated lifestyles on these platforms can create unrealistic expectations and pressure individuals to prioritize external validation over ethical conduct. At a young age, there is another layer of pressure to reach nearly unattainable goals.

Lack of Strong Ethical Leadership as a Cause for Moral Mediocrity

When I started to gain consciousness about the ethical standards of leaders in our society, I realized that morality is a spectrum. When setting standards for acceptable behavior within organizations and society, each leader will land on a particular spot on the morality spectrum.

Unfortunately, when leaders fail to uphold ethical principles or act with integrity, it sends a message that unethical behavior is acceptable or even rewarded.

Furthermore, when individuals witness corrupt leaders going unpunished or facing minimal consequences for their actions, it erodes trust in institutions and undermines the importance of ethics.

The Consequences

Erosion of Trust Within Communities

Moral mediocrity, the acceptance of low moral standards, and the lack of ambition to uphold solid moral character can severely affect communities. When individuals prioritize their interests over ethical considerations, they erode trust within these communities.

People become skeptical about others’ intentions and question their reliability. This erosion of trust creates an atmosphere of suspicion and skepticism, hindering cooperation and progression.

Negative Impact on Personal Relationships

Moral indifference also takes a toll on personal relationships. When individuals prioritize their desires and disregard moral reasons, it can lead to conflicts and strained relationships. Friends may feel betrayed or let down when someone consistently prioritizes their interests without considering the impact on others. This can result in broken friendships and severed ties.

Domestic violence advocates urge friends and family of victims or perpetrators to avoid standards of moral mediocrity. Especially since victims face heavy pushback and a morally mediocre society errs on the side of caution when sensing a threat.

Long-Term Societal Implications

The widespread acceptance of moral mediocrity has long-term societal implications. A society that lacks strong ethical standards and virtues becomes susceptible to unethical behavior becoming the norm rather than the exception. This can lead to a decline in overall social well-being as people prioritize self-interest over collective welfare.

Studies provide evidence that societies with high levels of moral mediocrity tend to experience higher crime rates, corruption, and social inequality. These adverse outcomes further exacerbate social divisions and hinder progress.

AI generated paint-style photo (like every one of my generated photos) of pepole standing on different levels of a mountainous terrain. The purpose of the picture is to demonstrate social inequalities.
AI generated with Adobe Firefly. Created using generative fill and edited with Adobe Express.

Ethical Erosion: Moral Mediocrity and Becoming Morally ‘Blah’

Examining the Slippery Slope Effect

Small compromises may seem harmless initially, but they can lead to declining ethical standards. This phenomenon is known as the slippery slope effect. When we accept minor ethical lapses, it sets a precedent that can escalate over time.

Consider this scenario: You’re in a group project, and one of your teammates suggests copying information from an online source without proper citation. It may be tempting to go along with it, thinking it’s just a tiny infraction. However, by compromising your integrity this way, you open the door for further ethical compromises.

Morally Blah AND Stuck That Way!

The slippery slope effect is like starting at the top but then beginning to slide down farther without being able to stop yourself. Moral mediocrity is being stuck in the middle of a slippery slope. It’s like living in limbo where you’re not making any progress toward being a better person, but you’re also not doing anything really terrible, either. You exist in this meh state of moral blah.

Moral mediocrity is not a good place to be. It’s like being stuck in a perpetual state of sameness. And before you know it, you’re neck-deep in moral blah-ness, and unable to pull yourself out of deeply ingrained comfortabilities. When we engage in moral mediocrity, we lose sight of what matters.

Through moral mediocrity, we become complacent and comfortable with just being average. Imagine if all the great inventors and entrepreneurs settled for mediocrity. We wouldn’t have cool things like smartphones, electric cars, or even the internet.

Strategies to Overcome Moral Mediocrity

Promoting Self-Reflection and Introspection

Combatting moral mediocrity encourages self-reflection and introspection. Taking the time to evaluate our actions and beliefs can help us identify areas where we may fall short ethically. By asking ourselves tough questions and honestly assessing our own behaviors, we can gain a deeper understanding of our values and make positive changes.

Encouraging Open Dialogue about Ethics and Values

An effective strategy for rising above ethical or moral mediocracy is fostering open dialogue about ethics and values within communities.

Creating spaces where people feel comfortable discussing moral dilemmas allows for diverse perspectives to be shared.

Through these conversations, individuals can learn from one another, challenge their beliefs, and collectively develop a stronger moral compass.

Implementing Accountability Measures

Accountability is key to overcoming moral mediocrity. Step one is reading this entire thing. Step two is setting personal goals or joining accountability groups can provide support and motivation for ethical growth. Organizations can establish codes of conduct, whistleblower programs, or ethics training to ensure employees are held responsible for their actions. On a broader scale, societies can improve and implement legal frameworks that deter unethical behavior through consequences.

Staying Consistent with Being Better

All things considered, addressing the issue of moral mediocrity requires a multi-faceted approach. From the individual level of self-reflection to fostering open dialogues within communities and implementing working accountability measures, the path to overcoming moral indifference is clear.

By navigating this landscape with a commitment to ethical growth and collective values, we can counteract the erosion of trust, strengthen personal relationships, and mitigate the long-term societal implications. With all of this in mind, breaking free from moral mediocrity and striving for a world where virtues and moral character thrive is easy.

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